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Maki's POV

After what happened to me,we rushed to my house to get me patched,
For some reason....I don't want to go the hospital...but it's the only way to get this stupid bullet out from me...
Maybe I'll just let them patch this up

Not so long we arrived at my house,
They helped me get in and let me sit on the sofa, My hand is still on my wound and it's SO GOODDAAMN PAINFUL!

"Eli, Let's get some things to clean Maki's wound and patch this first." Umi said in a serious tone

"Yeah, We can't do surgery here, Maki I'm sorry,but We'll go to the hospital tomorrow." Eli replied then she looked at Me

"Yeah, I'll go there tomorrow...Alone." I muttered

"Why? We can come with you." Umi asked with a brow raised

I let out a small laugh
"Your girlfriends might be worried about you guys." I replied with a smile

"Now, MOVE CAUSE IT HURTS LIKE HELL." I yelled furiously

Umi quickly took the piece of cloth and the first aid kit then gave the cloth to Eli

"Oh--Okay." Eli muttered then she soaked the cloth with water and wiped my wound

I winced in Pain
"S-Shit." I muttered

"Stay still." She murmured

I rolled my eyes
"I'm not even moving."

"Shhhh! Shut up Maki! I'm your doctor!" She replied

I let out a sarcastic laugh
"What a joke, REAL funny." I muttered

Suddenly Umi's phone rang, It caught our attention
She took it and her eyes widened and she frowned when she looked at her phone

"Who's that?" Eli asked with her brow raised

Umi looked back while frowning

"It's Father."

Our eyes widened, We know how much of an asshat Umi's father was, But I'm sure He's giving Umi hell.

"You must answer it Umi." Eli spoke

Umi looked back at her phone and answered it, she enabled the loud speaker so Eli and Maki could hear it.

"Father." She said in a very cold and serious tone

"Umi, I want you to go home tomorrow after school...Be early, We have to discuss something Important." He uttered

"......Understood." Umi replied then the call ended

"Bet he's planning shit again." I said with a frown

"Yeah, I wonder what bullshit he'll pull again." Eli replied then wiped my wound

"Ow!" I exclaimed and slapped her

She squinted her eyes while looking at me then pressed her hand against my wound


Eli looked back at Umi

"Will you be alright Umi?" She asked

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