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"They're too many nya!!" Rin yelled as she fights against the jocks.

She had a bruise on her cheek and her hair is very messy, the same goes for Maki.

"Don't be a pussy!!" Maki yelled back then punched a girl on the face.
Maki didn't notice a girl grabbed her arms and the other punched her face.

"Shit!" She cursed

Rin punched another girl then shot a look at Maki.
"Nishikino-san nya?!" She asked then received a punch on the face.
"Ow!" She exclaimed.

Maki pushed the girls away and looked at Rin.

"Are you alright?!" Maki asked.

Rin furrowed her brows
"Shut the fuck up nya!!" She scowled then pushed the girl.

"Why are they so many?" Maki muttered while fighting.


They paused and looked at the direction where the voice came from.

Maki's eyes widened and a wide smile formed on her face.

"Thank goodness!!!"


Eli's POV

I'm sitting on a bench while I'm on my phone.

I received a message from Nico.
I opened her chat box.

Nico- Eli! Today is Nozomi's Birthday!! Better get her something good or take her somewhere!!

What?! Today is Nozomi's Birthday?! I should apologize to her and take her somewhere....

Today is.....June 9 huh?

Maybe in some fancy restaurant?...

Maybe I should text those idiots?
Oh well....

Eli- Hey guys Today is Nozomi's Birthday! Can You guys suggest where should I take her?

Eli- Hey

After 10 seconds there was no response from them.
I frowened and typed.

Eli- I need you guys to answer

Eli- screw you guys

I let out a sigh and deepened the frown on my face.

Eli- I hate you guys

Oh I almost forgot! I have to add rin in this group chat.

Rin Hoshizora is added by Eli ayase.



I typed

Eli- Fuck you guys

I returned my phone back in my pocket.

I saw Nozomi walking to my direction while smiling.

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