Her past

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Umi stared at Kotori

"I can trust you right?" Umi asked

"Of course." Kotori muttered

"Alright, Lets start with Maki." Umi said while looking down

"Back then when we were like 12, Maki was the most joyful kid than the rest of us, She's kind and polite then She had those impressive piano skills, And her mother is the only one who's supporting her all those years, Her mother was there in every competition and cheered for her,
then After a few months her mother had cancer and it was already stage 4, Despite her father being a doctor, He didn't noticed her sickness, Not so long
her mother passed away." Umi muttered

"Oh no." Kotori said with sadness

"Maki changed after that and she even became worst when she found out her father was having a affair with someone, Maki had great hatred towards her father and she never came back to their house, She only stays in a house she bought, she didn't want to see her father's face." Umi said with a sad smile

"Thats terrible." Kotori said

"I know." Umi said while looking at Kotori with a sad smile

Then Umi glanced at her watch

"Its getting late, I will now drive you home." Umi said

"Alright." Kotori said with a smile

They walked to the parking lot and Got in Umi's car

Then Umi drove Kotori home.

Next day

Eli came to school then receive a text from an anonymous person

Street race !
Winner gets $500.000!
Starts at 8:00pm
Meet at the yellow street

(Cars only!!)

Eli's eyes widened
Then she grabbed maki to see the text

"Isn't this suspicious?" Maki said

"This looks fun." Eli said

"What if this is a set up?" Maki said

"Then we'll escape immediately." Eli said

"We're rich we can go out of prison easily!" Eli added

"Alright." Maki said while smiling

"Hey Umi!" Eli called

"Yes?" Umi replied

"Wanna join the street race?" Eli said

"No, Its Stupid,dangerous and suspicious."Umi replied

"Okaaay." Eli said

"You're just like that because you already have a girlfriend." Maki said while smirking

"That's certainly one of the reasons" Umi replied

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