Ready to face you

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She heard a familiar voice in front of her

She lifted her head and saw Umi

She stared for a while with tears rolled down to her cheek

Then covered her face with her hands

Umi quickly ran towards her then slowly lowered her hands to see her face

"Kotori...why are you crying?" Umi asked while looking at her eyes

"B-Because I-Its so painful." Kotori replied while sobbing

"Who did this?" Umi said in a serious tone

"No one." Kotori replied

"Then why are you crying?"

"Because it's painful to watch you like this, I didn't do anything back then for you and you've changed so much...
I don't know if I'm still part of your life." Kotori said with tears

Umi wiped her tears

"Of course you're a part of my life,
And you're the one I want to be with always." Umi said then smiled

"Like back then." Umi added

Then Kotori hugged her tightly
Arms around Umi's neck
And Umi's arms wrapped Kotori's waist

Kotori sobbed

"I missed you so much Umi-chan."
Kotori said then cried

"I missed you too Kotori."

As Maki and Eli watched Umi and Kotori embraced

They high five and looked back at them while smirking

"Guess Umi got a girlfriend huh?" Eli muttered

"Yeah, fuck that." Maki replied with a smile

"You jelly?" Eli joked

"Hell no, I could get almost everyone with this face." Maki replied

Eli laughed "And everytime someone confessed their lovey dovey feelings to you ,you'd always laugh at them and tell them their ugly." Eli said then laughed

Maki chuckled "And its true, You also did that earlier!" Maki exclaimed

"No shit, Her face was full of makeup
If she wore those off I bet she'd look horrible." Eli muttered with a smirk

Then they saw Umi walking towards them

"How'd it go?" Eli asked

"I guess I got a girlfriend now?" Umi replied

"Yieeee Umi got her girl now~" Eli teased

Umi blushed "S-Shut up!"

"But did she accept that you're a part of this gang?"

"Of course, she said as long as I don't get hurt often." Umi replied

"Thats a supportive one." Maki said

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