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Umi's POV

After a while, it was already dismissal time and I can't wait to take Kotori on a date.

Kotori turned to look at me and smiled
"So..where are we going?"

I smiled "That's a secret."

"Aww." She replied with a pout

I chuckled "You'll find out later."

"Ok!" She said happily

I stood up and offered her a hand
"Shall we go?"

She smiled and gave me her hand
"Let's go."

We left the classroom while holding hands, I can feel people staring at us but that's fine

As we walk to the hallway we were stopped by some odd looking girls

"Hey Sonoda!" The girl yelled

I glared at them
"Who are you and What do you girls want?" I muttered in a cold and serious tone

Then another girl appeared from behind the other girls

"Hey Sonoda." She muttered with a smile

She has turquoise eyes and a dark hair

"Who are you?" I asked

She laughed "Don't you remember me? I'm one of Maki's wonderful Exes!"

"I don't care about Maki's Exes and I don't even know you,Now excuse us we have to go." I muttered then we start walking away

One girl blocked our way
I glared at her and I hold Kotori's hand tightly

"Sonoda, where is Maki?" Maki's Ex spoke

"Are you threatening me?" I asked in a serious tone

"Yeah, and if you don't tell us right now I'm going to beat the hell out of you." She replied with a smirk

I laughed
"Really now." I muttered then looked at her

She just smirked

I glanced at Kotori who looked very scared

Damn this! I need to Keep Kotori safe!

"Kotori, please go to the private place first okay? I've got to do something first." I muttered to Kotori with a smile

"O-Okay please be careful." She replied with a smile

She quickly walked away,I glared at them when Kotori is out of sight

"So you're gonna fight us huh?" The other girl muttered

"Let's get this boss!" The other one spoke up

"Let's beat her up." Their leader muttered with a smile

This made me laugh

Holy cow, they literally have no idea whom they're messing with

"Good one." I muttered

"What's so good?!" The other girl yelled

"Your jokes of course! Come one! Tell me more!" I said playfully

"You!!" The other girl yelled and charged at me

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