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Rin's POV

After I left the Hospital, I went to Kayo-chin's house.

Umi-chan messaged me about Eli's condition, it honestly made me happy.
Even though everyone went through bad things, they still survived.

They're strong.
Unlike me.


I looked at beside me, Kayo-chin is resting her head on my shoulder.

"Why nya?" I asked

"You look sad Rin-chan." She said with a sad look.

I gave her a bright smile, "Don't make that face Kayo-chin!, I'm fine nya!" I said then hugged her tightly.

She giggled, "If you say so." She said then kissed my cheek.

"I love you soooooo muuchh Kayo-chin nya!" I said then leaned close for a quick kiss.

She smiled, "I love you too Rin-chan." She replied

"Say, are you alone here Kayo-chin?" I asked

She raised a brow due to confusion, "Yeah, why?" She replied

I smiled, "I want to eat rice nya!" I exclaimed

She giggled, "Okay, let's make some, I'm pretty hungry too." She replied then stood up.

Suddenly someone knocked the door.

Who might that be?

I feel strange.

"I'll get it." She said

I furrowed my brows and I quickly stood up.

"No Kayo-chin, I'll get it." I said

She had a worried face on her, "is something wrong Rin-chan?" She asked

I smiled, "It's nothing, I just want some rice balls, quick nya." I replied

"O-Oh okay." She said before walking to the kitchen.

I frowned and walked slowly to the door.

I slowly opened the door.


The door was kicked off, I tried to run to the kitchen, but I fell down.
"KAYO-CHIN!! RUN AWAY AND HIDE!!!" I screamed my lungs out just to make sure Kayo-chin is safe.

I heard a laugh.

I shot a look at the man behind me.

"We only need your ass." He said with a smirk.

"The name's Riel by the way." He added

I deepened my frown, "No one cares nya." I replied

He clicked his tongue, "Get her." He said.
Then someone covered my face and tied my hands.

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