What about a plan tho?

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Many people sat around the dinning table as warm light poured from the small chandelier overhead.

Tyler and Ethan almost sat as one, their chairs touching each other. Hands sat loosely on the table, their fingers intertwined.

Felix and Mariza sat next to them, their chairs and close as the other. Dan and Phil sat next to them, to encased in each other to really notice anyone else.

Amy sat next to Mark, caring for his wounds. No one had known but she was once a nurse and insisted on taking the stinging itching sensation away.

Molly, Jack and Matt sat at the other side of the table. Matt clicked his phone off, he had messaged Shane. Who was now on his way there.

With everyone sitting at the table, they'd have enough to buy a small island off the coast of America and still have enough money to play with.

" Just so you know Mark, the house and everything is still waiting for you" Amy murmured to the man she was giving aid to.

Mark frowned, his eyes holding sadness.
" It's not like I can own any of it, or run it".

"You can still have the life you once had Mark. The only difference is that there will be a different name on the files" Jack said.

Mark smiled at that, reaching his hand out for Jack. The Irishmen took the liberty of taking his hand and squeezing it a little.

Maybe he could go back to way things were once.

" What happened last time you met the owner of..." Matt trailed off.

" He fucking ruined our lives" Jack spat.
" He's cocky, and likes to act like he's in control".

" That's because he is" Mark added.

Matt gulped at that, whipping his hands over his face with stress.
" I take that he won't let us buy it off him".

Mark chuckled as Amy pulled away, packing up her things.
" Back when I actually owned my own company, do you think I would have let someone buy it away?".

Silence took over the room. That was one sore truth. Mark once had it all, he was living his dream. And it was all ripped away....

Matthias suddenly had an idea and he shifted in his chair.
" What if we did what he did to you, to him?".

Felix looked at the man, confused.
" Enslave him".

" Or reinstate him" Jack spoke.

Ethan shook his head.
" Bob and Wade were both handlers,they were never slaves".

Jack shook his head roughly, his hair falling into his face. He leant over the table.
" No Wade was always the handler. Sure Bob was as well, but before that Bob was a slave, just like us".

" Don't tell me that Bob surpassed Wade?! That's never happened before" Ethan spoke.

" Father had a liking to him" Jack said, his voice breaking.

Matt slammed his hand down on the wooden table. It made a large bang that made everyone jump.

" What language are you speaking? What are you talking about?" Matt asked.

Jack and Mark made eye contact.

" Bob is the leader, Wade is his right hand man" Jack explained. That was all he was going to explain.

" That's all well and good" Felix said.
" But who has the power to reinstate this Bob guy?".

The silence in the room grew as everyone brain stormed. They didn't know. Well everyone didn't know, everyone but Jack.

" Only two people have the power to reinstate Bob, Government officials, and Wade" Jack spoke.

A gloom swarmed over the room as everyone realised both were completely impossible. Unless they had a few years and a government background or could widdle their way up to being Bobs right hand man. Everyone doubted that either could be done easily.

" What are we going to do now?" Tyler asked.

" Maybe we could get one of those Government people to do it, convince them?" Mark posed.

Matt sighed, the possibility of any of this working dwindling down by the second. He was beginning to think that maybe none of this was possible and he would have to live in fear the rest of his life.

Maybe it's best to just stop fighting, just run to England with Amanda and Luna. I can't do much here anymore anyway

Silence filled the room as the reality that
Maybe they were powerless to do anything. Maybe they couldn't win this fight. Maybe everything was being done for nothing.

A loud knock at the door broke the gloom in the room.

Molly popped up to get the door. Waking flawlessly through the house. Mark smiled hearing her soft footsteps.

Maybe some day I can do that

" Is there anyway other way?" Felix asked Jack.

The Irishmen shrugged his shoulders, shaking his head as he leant back in his chair a little.
" Not unless you want to resort to murder".

Felix's frowned and gulped, shaking his head. That was definitely off the board.

" Hi Molly, so nice to see you again" Shane said.

Mark gave a confused expression to Matt.

" Ryland and Molly are friends, they visit a lot" Matt explained.

Shane walked into the room, Molly and Ryland who were chatting behind him. Instantly everyone could tell that Shane was tired, big bags were seen under his eyes and he looked like he hadn't showered in days.

" Okay, whats going on why am I here?" Shane asked, trying to run the sleep from his eyes.

Dan took the liberty of explaining, he saw that everyone else was to exhausted to.

" We're trying to reinstate the owner of the slave company by either means of the government or his right hand man, it's a step to free us all".

Shane chuckled, a laugh that held more pain then humour.
" I don't suppose we could just bribe this right hand man?".

Matt said no in the background as Ethan and Jack shared an intense look. The smaller slave shook his head, tears nearly coming to his eyes at even the thought of what Jack was planning. But Sean's determined glare didn't seem like a simple wordless plea from Ethan would change his mind.

It surprised everyone when Jack stood from his chair quickly. It seemed to startle everyone, as they jumped a little.

Jack quickly took the few steps to Mark, he took both of his hands. Holding hem like the last time he would ever, which was possible.

" Mark, I love you" Jack whispered, before kissing him on the head.

Mark, confused tired to hold onto Jack as he left.
" What? Jack?".

" I love you" Jack repeated, before literally ripping his hands from Marks grasp.

As he ran out the door, Ethan was the first to run after him. The slave only caught the man as he took the first car he saw.

" Jack don't do this!" Ethan called, his voice screaming as loud as he could.

Jack gave one last hurtful look at him before he started Tyler's car reversed like his life depended on it.

Mark was left to stumble after everyone. The black void before him not giving him any clairvoyants to what was in front of him. He ran into walls, bashing his head and nearly tripped over shoes at had been left near the door.

He couldn't see the man he loved leave. But the sound of a choking engine leaking into the distance, was enough to break his heart.

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