I need you right now

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Jack held Mark's hand, gently pulling on them to guide him up. Mark's legs shook as he attempted to stand. His mind was telling him danger, because he couldn't see, that he shouldn't move. Until he could see again, but of course, that was not possible.

" Straighten your legs" Jack instructed.

Mark forced himself to stand up straight. His legs still shaking slightly as did his hands. His breath still held pain, still held cries. It had been hours, but the pain was still there and the blindness was never leaving.

Mark struggled to take a step forward, wobbling as he did. It was like he was trying to walk with his eyes closed, having been turned around a few times. He had no idea where he was or what was around him. He just had to trust Jack that he would guide him in the right direction.

" You're doing good" Jack encouraged.
" Walk towards my voice".

Mark took a step forward, but didn't realise that there were a pair of shoes on the floor neither did Jack, he was focusing on Mark to much.

Mark stumbled and fell, but thankfully Jack caught him. Mark held onto Jack for dear life , his hands forming into claws to grip his arms. The Irishmen had to keep from crying from pain from his finger nails, he didn't want Mark to feel like he was hurting him.

" It's okay, it's okay" Jack assured, while helping him stand again.

" Fucking hell" Mark swore, emotion cracking in his voice.

Jack heaved the much more slimmer man up. Mark was significantly lighter. His muscle and his fat had extremely diminished quite a lot. It seemed Nate liked his slaves weak and malnourished. Jack would change that.

" It's okay, we're nearly got of the room" Jack said.

Mark nodded wordlessly and followed Jack's voice, he was glad he held each of Jack's hands. That he had Jack in front of him. Mark didn't think he would be able to cope without know what was in front of him.

Jack guided him out of the room and into the kitchen/loungeroom. Mark was doing well, his steps were disjointed and weren't smooth but he was walking nonetheless.

" We're going to walk to the couch" Jack told him.

Mark just nodded as he attempted to walk forward. It felt strange to him, not being able to see where you're going. His mind told him to widen his eyes so that he could. But it never worked. It was so frustrating, he just wanted to snap out of it. Like this was all some crazy dream.

Jack lead Mark to sit down on the grey cushions of the couch. The man did so, feeling around his environment to become familiar with it.

" I'll be right back, I'm just getting some food and first aid" Jack said, about to walk away.

Mark frantically reached out, his arms grabbing for a man he couldn't see. I'm doing this, he accidentally scraped Jack arms up. But the Irishmen didn't mind.

Mark held onto Jack's arm.

" Please don't leave me" Mark whispered, his voice later with fear.

Jack nodded, then realised he couldn't see it.
" Of course" the boy agreed, sitting down next to him.

Mark made sure he held Jacks hand as he sat next to him. He needed physical knowledge that someone was beside him.

It was strange, Mark had relied on his sense of sight for so long. He didn't know how to cope without it. It brought tears to his burning eyes when he couldn't see where he was going. The disorientated feeling of not knowing what's in front of you when you're walking was haunting.
It was like playing pinatà. But Mark couldn't take his blindfold off to access the damage he'd done.

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