Blind leading the Blind

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Tyler pulled up to the huge white mansion. He gasped at its size, although his amazement was dampened by the Erie silence. It was a big place, with no one in it. It would make anymore feel uncomfortable.
Ethan stayed quiet, his hand playing it the soft fabric of his leash.

In the backseat Jack was holding Marks hand. The slave was still feeling intense emotions over losing his sight. He was not adjusting well.

" We're here Mark" Jack spoke in a whisper.

Mark nodded timidly, holding his torso as a safe comfort. Jack slipped out of the car as did Tyler and Ethan's.

Mark jumped slightly when his door was opened for him. The sweet voice and gentle touch of Jack luring him out into the fresh, cold air of the country side.

" Hello!" A women's voice called from the porch.

Jack turned to see a woman with brown hair. Freckles bridges over her nose lightly, her sunglasses hiding most of her. Her pale hand waved them over to the front door of the house.

Jack lead Mark by holding his right hand with his right hand. Jack's left laid on the centre of Mark's back, as a support more then a guide.

" Hello, My name is Molly" she spoke, stepping aside to let the people in.

And Tyler and Ethan passed the women, they couldn't help but notice the stylish collar around her neck. In cursive letters hold the women's name in sliver, the words spandex over a choker that seemed to be made of transparent plastic. It almost bonded with her skin, making the sliver letters look as if they were glued straight to the skin on her neck.

As Mark and Jack passed Molly, Sean couldn't help but notice the lingering stare from the slave through the tinted glasses. Jack couldn't see her eyes, but her gaze seems hostile.

The door as shut behind everyone and the girl lead them through the house. Their heavy footsteps sounded heavy on the bare wooden floors. Jack looked around, the place was empty. The other didn't know, but this place was meant to be busy with people. It was strange to see the array of halls empty and quiet.

Molly lead the small group of four out the back. To the porch she helped make with her bare hands. She simply gestured to the solemn man sitting on his chair, tapping his finger as he rocked on it.

" Matt" she spoke softly.
" Guests are here".

The man turned to look at her, giving her a warm smile.
" Thank you Molly, you're welcome to stay with us".

Molly nodded and stepped to the side, away from the group. But not leaving. Her hands folded at her waist as she looked out into the fields, glowing with sunlight.

Before anyone said anything, Jack lead Mark to the other chair. Making sure he was seated and stable before letting him go. The man jumped when he noticed the chair rocked, but soon got used to the slight motion.

" Matt! Where is everyone?!" Jack asked, slight panic in his voice.

Matt frowned as his blue eyes looked out into the many empty huts that lined his property.
" The slaves rioted against the police when one of them was shot" He sighed.
" I tired to get them all to England before they were re-traded".

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