A plan

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" You-"Mark shuttered out. He wasn't sure of what to say. What could he say. He has so many questions and no answers.

" Don't worry, it's okay. I lost most of my vision when I was fourteen" Molly explained.
" I'm used to this".

Mark's eyes stung unnaturally as tears started to drip out of his irritated sockets.
" But you-how-the acid" He stuttered.

" I did that" Matt's voice sounded through the room.

Both slaves came to the attention that Matthias had walked into the room. Only his singular footsteps could be herd. No one else was here.

Mark's questioning, confused look was all Matt needed to continue and give context to what he said. The blonde man strode over slowly to the table, hands in his pockets.

" When Molly came to me she was only fifteen and almost completely blind" he started.

" I could see light" Molly interrupted.

Matt nodded and pulled out a wooden chair. The oak scraping across the lino painfully loudly. The man sat, his necklace clanking and his arms resting on the table gently.

" When a slave has a disability not caused by abuse, they're killed" Matt grimly spoke. " Molly being one of my first slaves, the police were to come check around soon, if they were to find her...they would have shot on sight".

Mark couldn't see, but he imagined that Matt had taken Molly's hand. That he was rubbing comforting circles into it while looked into the eyes he burned.

" So before anything worse could happen to her, I blinded her completely. I told the police that I did it because she tired to run away and that was that".

Mark nodded, his own wounds feeling irritated and hot as he moved. He resisted the urge to touch them again.

" It was the only thing we could do at the time" Molly said.

" But, you walk freely, you patched me up. You did all that, without sight?!" Mark asked, clearly surprised.

Molly chuckled, she got that a lot. She was always told that she seemed to capable to be blind, to pretty to be blind. But she was just Molly.

" I quickly learn to become able. I am a slave after all, there's things I need to do and places I need to go. I know this house like the back of my hand. I can basically run through the house without running into anything" Molly said with a smile.
" I've mastered pretending to see".

Mark nodded, taking in all the information. It seemed to be too much to handle. But it seemed her story was a glimmer of hope for him, maybe he could get used to his new life. Maybe he would be able to live a normal live with Jack, maybe...

Speaking of Jack, Mark could tell he was no where near. He wasn't in the house or outside it, he'd be able to hear him.

" Where did everyone go?" Mark questioned.

" I got Jack to go get Felix, Tyler is going to go get Amy. I want to bring them to the house. It's time things change and for things to change we're going to need all the resources we can get" Matthias explained.

Molly smiled and nodded, her hands ghosting out of his. Her gentle touch found Marks hands, who accidentally flinched away. However, Molly was able to hold them eventually.

" Until then I'm going to hell you learn how to navigate without help".

Mark smiled.
" You'd do that for me?".

Molly stood, guiding Mark to do the same.
" What kind of person would I be if I didn't?".

Matt watched as the two shuffled into the large space between the kitchen and he dining table. They held hands like Molly was teaching Mark how to dance. Mark held onto her hands because she was the only 'grounding' tool he had.

" Blind people have bad balance is both your eyes and your ears and we only have one" Molly told him.
" So we have to balance with our feet, you have to tell how much weight you have on the ball or the front of your foot to tell if you're going to fall over".

Mark simply nodded to this, trying to take in the information as if he was at high school again. Not that he really got the chance to go when he was Felix's slave.

Matt watched was a small humble smile on his face as Molly helped Mark. The two went through balance, the dangers of trying to 'see' what's around you with your hands. Molly even taught Mark how to use a blind cane. Mark had trouble with it, because his other hands stretched out to try and 'see' the wall with his hands before his cane hit it.

It was about the tenth try that Mark ran into the small obstacle of a shoe that Molly had tired to get him to manoeuvre around with his cane. He always missed it and needed up walking over it.

Matt had watched the man get increasingly frustrated and angry with it. Going so far as to swear when he failed.
It was the next try that Mark nearly gave up.

" How do you do this?!" He almost shouted.
" I can't tell if the stick is touching the ground or not!".

Molly rested her hand on the mans shoulder and rubbed it. She frowned as she saw tears running down his face. This was going to be a hard, long road. His frustration reminded Molly of when she was younger and always got angry when she wasn't able to do things. Matt remembered that very well, it was like he had a daughter he had to teach to, read, write and walk all over again. But he was glad for the experience when Luna came around.

" It's okay Mark, you don't have to do it today. You've gotten somewhere, you understand how it works, now it just takes practise" Molly said, repeating words once said by Matt.

Molly couldn't see, but made an effort to glance to the direction of Matt. Who noticed he gesture and smile. The two shared a moment, remembering years ago and smiling.

" Want to try something else?" Molly asked.

No one else noticed but Jack had just quietly stepped through the back door. Felix and Phil stood behind him quietly.

Matt turned and gestured for him to stay in place and be quiet. They all gestured back that they understood.

" No I want to try again" Mark spoke.

Jack smiled warmly as he watched Mark use the cane properly. It hit the shoes and he deviated his path around it. This time his feet not accidentally hitting the sides.

" That's good now straighten up" Matt instructed, helping for the first time.

Mark did as he was told and slowly went back to the straight line he was supposed to walk.

Sean smiled brightly as he watched a ma who couldn't bare to stand or sit by himself, walk without assistance. Sure it was wobbling and slow, a few times he thought he'd fall but it was something.

Mark kept going his straight line, trusting Matt to tell him if he was going to hit something. Every step was unsure for him, but he knew he wasn't going to hit anything because of his tool.

That was until he did.

Another shoe, this time, with a foot in it.

Jack leapt forward and scared Mark by hugging him. The man froze for a few seconds, startled and unsure. But soon relaxed when he noticed the body type and the smell of the man.

" You did it" Jack spoke proudly.

Mark chuckled.
" Barely".

" I'd hate to wrap up this moment, but, what happened?" Felix asked.

Mark let go of Jack still holding his elbow as Molly had instructed. For his hand had slipped off his cane that had feel to the floor from hugging Jack.

" Nate happened" Mark spat, as more of an insult to the name then Felix.

The Swedish man nodded, trying not to act affect for the benefit of Mark. He didn't need every new face he saw to start crying for him. He'd surely don't that enough for himself.

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