The day the slaves walked

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The sky fell with tiny drops of rain, it wasn't heavy enough to make anyone drenched. But it was enough to wet Jack's glasses to make everything seem like he was looking out of a wet windshield of a car.

The Irishmen's legs pumped, his shoes loosing traction because of the water every few steps. He was always able to find his centre of gravity again to keep from falling. The last thing he wanted to do was get injured. The last thing he wanted for anyone was to get injured.

Breaking news; slaves have taken to the streets to peacefully protest...

Jack turned the corner was haste, slipping a little. He had to grab the corner of the brick building he ran around to steady himself. The rough stone cutting his hands little by little, just enough for red to mix with rain.

The police force has chosen not to interfere, but is standing by for safety in case anything becomes violent.....

Jack panted, his breath coming out in hot bursts as he ran. He clenched his jaw at the aches and pains he had. The bottom of his feet felt numb and sore from running so much. His legs muscles felt overworked as did his lungs. He did have asthma as a child.

The public have had different reactions, with a fifty fifty split between opinions, many have joined the protest, others have refused....

Jack turned the next corner, seeing people at the end of the alley. They stood in disjointed lines, all looking in the same directions. Not slaves stood between them.

It seems that there are a few leaders marching at the front. Strangely it looks like two of them have canes designed for the blind....

Jack gracefully pushed past the crowd, muttering apologies as he went. His eyes scraped over the heads of the crowd to see a glimpse of burly and black hair. The tallest of the group, Dan and Phil.

We have reports coming in telling us that many famous and rich people are marching at the front. Including reverted Mark Fischbach whom do which used to to own the largest modelling company in America...

Jack managed to break through the threshold of the side lines of people. Many on lookers paid him no attention. He did look frantic and tattered, they probably thought he was homeless.

We can also see Felix Keilburg the owner of a rich motorbike company, although lately it's been under scrutiny....

Jack froze. To his right were the protest, marching straight towards him. For a few beats, Jack thought that Mark saw him. But of course that impossible.

The owner of computing and messaging is also marching, Shane Dawson

" Mark!" Jack yelled out, straining his voice at his own volume.

He seemed to have startled the people around him, for a few jumped at his loud screaming. Although he saw Mark's 'ears' perk up at the sound. A wide smile spreading across his face. Jack took of, sprinting towards the group.

It seems there is a man advancing towards the protest, it's unknown whether his intentions are hostile....

Jack collided with Mark holding him in a hug. He bruised his face in Marks shoulder. Although they only held embrace for a few seconds to save themselves from being trampled by the hundred of people behind them.

"Everything will be okay Mark" Jack whisper cried.

" What did you-".

Jack smiled, walking beside Mark. He blind man held onto Jack's below for guidance, keeping half a step behind him

" I am the king now" Jack said happily.

Mark smiled widely, rest and gentleness overtaking his entire being.

" Forever?" Mark asked.

Jack smiled back. His thoughts flashing to the imagination. The created image of Dean signing the papers, Bob being taken from his throne and Wade signing away the crown to Jack.

Everything would be okay, the slave company was now in control by a man with a conscience. He would treat the slaves like the humans they were. No more tears would need to be shed.
No more slaves would need to be abused.
Jack would never have to ever lay a hand on Mark. Tyler would never had to do so to Ethan. Dan and Phil would never have to practise their fighting skills on each other, nor would anyone else.

" Forever" Jack confirmed.

As for the law, well...

This marks a significant day in human history, the day that the slaves protested for rights. We all now must make a choice, do you support them? Or not?

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