A slave to all

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Mark sighed as his fingers brushed up to feel the metal letters that spelt his name. To have the red silk chafe against his neck, rubbing over already grown rashes.
He himself had on wearing it, even when he was contained in Jack's walls.
Strangely, it gave him comfort.

" Mark?" Jacks soft voice spoke.

Mark didn't bother to turn his head to look at Jack like he usually would. It wouldn't do anything anyway.

" Yes?" Mark responded, trying not to add a certain words at the end of his sentence.

Sean's footsteps padded into the room,they steady grew closer, stopping a few feet from Mark. Who sat calmly on the couch, unwilling to move without assistance.

" Tyler is coming over soon, along with Ethan. We have to go visit Matt" Jack said.

Mark nodded, tears coming to his eyes.
He would see his best friend again. He would-not-see his best friend again....

Jack saw that Marks face screwed up into pain. Sean carefully sat down next to the man and wrapped his arms around him. Mark leaned into the touch.

" Why are we going to see Matt?" Mark asked, his voice void of emotion.

" He asked us to come over today. Besides I need to thank him for helping you get back to me-".

Mark stood up straight, confused.
" Matt? Who's Matt? He's the one who brought me here?".

Jack nodded absentmindedly.
" Yeah, you didn't know that?".

Mark shook his head, his now brown hair falling into his eyes.
" No,why would he do that for me?
We don't even know each other".

Jack thought about it for a moment.
" He told me that he'd need a favour in exchange later. I assumed we'll see what the favour is when we go to his place today".

Mark nodded, his arms retracting to hug himself. He was unsure to go to a place he didn't know. He was so out of he loop on his own life. He didn't even know that Matt was the one pulling the strings. Sure he'd herd Nate spit his name when he was drunk, but he never really knew what it meant.

Mark had so many questions.
What happened to Felix?
Didn't Nate have Mariza?
What happened with them two?
What happened to Dan and Phil?
What happened to Amy?
Who got Marks business?
Who got Marks house?

His thoughts were pulled from his head when he herd the doorbell ring. He didn't bother to turn to face them, he liked staying, strung straight ahead. He had a mental map of what was in front of him.
That was all he needed for now.

" Tyler, Ethan, come in" Jack invited, letting them through.

Tyler basically ignored Jack,racing straight over to Mark. Ethan stayed by Jack side near the front door. He knew that Tyler would need a moment.

" Mark?" The burly haired man asked.

This time Marks head snapped in the direction of Tyler who stood a few tests to his right. Tyler saw his white yes and gasped.

Mark stood and held out his arms for a hug. Of which Tyler gave happily.

" What did they do to you?" Tyler asked as he subtly cried.

Mark smiled, happy that he was able to see his best friend again.
" What didn't they do to me?" He said, trying to make light of the mood.

Tyler let Mark go, his hands held Marks shoulders. To let him know that he was near.
" I'm guessing that you can'...see".

Mark nodded, his body wanting him to cry. But his mind not letting him do so.

Ethan had padded his way over to the pair. His steps were so quiet that Mark hadn't noticed that he was there.

" Mark?" Ethan questioned softly.

Mark was surprised at the fact his voice had grown nearer. But he didn't show it. He simply turned to him, with the help of Tyler to guide him.

Ethan reared up when he saw Marks eyes. But he didn't make a sound. He didn't want Mark to know he was crying.

" You look good Mark" Ethan lied, a sad smile on his face. He was simply glad that Mark was alive.

Mark smiled at the boy. That was the first reaction that hadn't been 'omg you're blind!'. He was glad for that.

" Come on, we gotta make our way to Matt's house" Jack encouraged the lot, holding the door open.

Tyler and Ethan started to make their way to the door. But they both stopped and looked back when Mark wasn't following.

" Want me to carry you?" Tyler asked.

Mark frowned at that. He didn't want to rely on other people to help him around. He wanted to make his own way. Which meant he didn't want to be carried by Tyler.

" Lead me with you hand?" Mark asked.

Tyler nodded and grabbed Marks hand in his.

The slave followed his friend with caution. It was scary that he didn't know what was in front of him. He just had to trust that Tyler would lead him into a pole.

Jack smiled as he watched Mark leave the threshold of his door. He stopped him by setting a gentle hand on his chest.

" You need your leash" Jack whispered.

Mark silently thanked him as it was clipped on and handed to Tyler. He was leading him so why wouldn't he hold the collar.

The four only had just gotten down the hallway of the apartment when they stopped. In front of them stood a long flight of stairs, one that spirals all the way down into the lobby.

" Mark, there's some stairs" Tyler stated.

Mark shook his head. There was no way he'd be able to navigate stairs. There was no way. Even with holding someone's hand.

" I can't" Mark breathed.

Tyler and Jack made eye contact. Ethan stepped back as Tyler picked Mark up bridal style.

As Mark held onto Tyler. He felt a shred of his humanity slip away from him.

He was not independent. He needed someone to help him do everything. From Jack feeding him his breakfast, to Tyler helping him down the stairs.

Slave or not.

He was never going to be a free man again.

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