Chapter 7 - Life as his Model

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Sometime I thought he still missed Greta. They had a chemistry, an understanding which was visible to even an inexperienced eye like me. She would understand what he wanted most naturally. And though he was short tempered with her as well but she knew what to do to get him to normal state again.

He never let me see his work but I felt that he had not managed to get much of his work done. And may be that was the reason for his frustration. But I was doing the best I could, if only he could be a little more expressive, may be it would help. I was obviously new to all this and was doing all that I could.

This morning, after I could overcome my initial inhibitions, I stepped out of the partition in my birthday suit. He was standing in his usual corner but he didn't realize I was out. Eyes bent down and clearing my throat, I asked,

"uhmm.. how.. where do you want me to sit?"

He turned abruptly at my sound and I saw something flicker in his eyes. It was so sudden, I was pulled by it and stared at his face but I couldn't catch it properly. There was a soft look on his face as if he was thinking about something else but he quickly came back to his stark look.

Was he thinking about Greta earlier, I couldn't help but wonder?

"Go stand next to that pillar," he ordered.

I pushed all other thoughts out of my mind and went to the pillar next to the windows overlooking the back garden.

"Raise one hand above your head and the other next to your body," he explained the pose. "Now tell me what thought is coming to your mind?" he asked me suddenly, something he had never done before.

I was still struggling to get the pose right. The question, on top of it, threw me off. What did he mean? What should I do, focus on the pose or his question? What thought came to my mind? What was I thinking?

He would have seen the confusion on my face. "Higher," he said, pointing to my right hand. I did it but he was not satisfied.

Suddenly, leaving his canvas he came right in front of me. Putting his hands on my arms, he stretched my right arm straight above my head and placed my left arm on my waist. My body froze at his touch and my breath was sucked in. The closeness of our bodies made me involuntarily push my back into the wall but that didn't help in creating any distance between us since there was no space.

Instead it only pushed my breasts out, hard and pointed. My eyes still lowered, I could see them clearly standing out as if trying to reach his shirt which was open half way to his waist.

His hands didn't reduce their pressure on my arms but slowly he slid his hands, left one on my right inner arm and right one almost reaching my waist. I squeezed myself trying to stop a soft moan but it did escape.

Shocked with myself and worried how would he see me moaning in his arms, my eyes shot up to his. But his eyes, I saw, were focused on my breasts. That look itself was enough to turn me red all over. I couldn't stop the instant, visible and awkward reaction.

"Your breasts are erect and pointed," he stated the obvious, still staring at them.

If it was possible to die of embarrassment, I would have died on the spot. I had goose bumps all over my body. I could feel his strong stare and his light touch on my arm and waist. As my heart raced uncontrollably, in fear or apprehension I don't know, I heard him say his next words,

"This is how I want your breasts. Can you keep them like these?"

Then without waiting for my answer, he turned around and went back to his canvas.

I was left speechless.

And hurt. Why it should hurt?

I wasn't willing to face the truth but to be honest, it did hurt. He saw me only as a model!

And shouldn't that is how it is meant to be? Shouldn't I be more comfortable and relax knowing that he has no other interest in me? I asked myself.

The saner part of brain answered, "Yes, yes, I am better off keeping this strictly professional."

But the stronger, crazier part went green. I had never experienced such emotions earlier. I knew I was not a beauty. All the sick attention I had received from the men till now was mainly from people who wouldn't mind jumping in with anyone in a skirt.

Somebody like Noberto wouldn't even notice me if we crossed each other on a road or in a public place. But knowing all this didn't help me in accepting the fact which was glaring me in the face.

I was only a model for him. He didn't see me as a woman. Or better put, he saw me as a woman but had no personal interest in me. And I shouldn't let my stupid heart fool me into thinking, imagining or hoping anything else.

I kept repeating those words in my head. And stood still like the model he needed, in the pose he wanted but in spite of the embarrassing experience, damping my spirits, my breasts continued to be erect, pointed and perky. Guess, they didn't want to disobey him. And that added to my hurt.

Here I was getting wet and erect, just by his look while he didn't even care, putting all his focus and energies on the painting in front of him and completely ignoring me.

I endured it all without moving. I don't know how long I stood like that but it was hours before he released me. The moment he told me to relax, I rushed to the partition to get away from him and his eyes. I stood there taking support of the wall, holding my frantically running heart in my breasts. Why should I be so affected by this? This was the embarrassing but known part of my job!

But what worried me most was that I had no cover to hide myself from him when I stood there posing for him. And he would be able to see a lot more than my physical body if I didn't get a grip on myself. With that resolve, I got my clothes on and went out to be as normal as I wanted myself to believe.

But Noberto was no longer there. Thinking he might have gone to his dark room, the one next to the hall, where he kept all his paintings and where I was not allowed to enter, I went out of the hall towards the kitchen. I need to get some food in my body to strengthen my muscles as well as my resolve.

I turned round the corner at the end of the corridor but was surprised to see Noberto coming out from the opposite direction. It looked like he had just come out of a shower. He had no shirt on and had a towel on his shoulders with which he was still rubbing his head. His hairs were still damp with droplets of water running down from his neck, on to his shoulders, across his chest, flat abdomen, before hiding inside his grey sweat pants.

My eyes followed the water glistening on his body till I forced my prying eyes away from snooping any further down his abdomen.

What was wrong with me? I scolded myself internally. Don't go that path.

I turned around to stop looking at him and also to be out of his way. But his naked chest had made me forgot what I was doing there in the first place. Nor I could remember where I was going.

I stood there motionless trying to figure out when did I lose my brains along with my clothes in this house?


Hello Dear Readers,

I am back from my vacation. It was exhilarating! for both my mind and my body and I loved every second of it :)

Now I am back from the trip, into the same old routine but the good part is, I can update now every week again:)

So, here is the new chapter. I hope it was worth the long wait. Do let me know your feedback on the same.

Till next update, be happy and make others happy!



When Love & Hate Collide [Completed]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن