But an arm swiftly grabbed hold of her and locked her in an embrace. Sinbad had wrapped his arms around her petite figure, his head buried on the crook of her neck. Despite the suddenness of the action, it was still gentle, as if he was holding a very precious and fragile figurine.

"I hated myself so much for doing all those awful things to you. I was a greedy and loathsome man and I still am."

"Sinbad! Unhand me!" She tried to break free but stopped when she felt a drop of liquid on her shoulder. She can't believe it.

Sinbad was crying.

Sinbad was crying

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"I feel so..so angry at myself. How could I do that to you? Why did I do that to you? Why did I have to stoop so low just to have my way with you when you had always reassured me that you will always be there for me no matter what?"

He was weak. So weak that his voice was slowly starting to break, his shoulders trembling. He was reduced to such a weak state that it will be so unbelievable when somebody tells this to someone else.

Inside Sinbad's head he was angry. Infuriated.

He felt so infuriated with himself when Yukiko listed all the things that he had done to hurt her and he was sure that she was still hiding something

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He felt so infuriated with himself when Yukiko listed all the things that he had done to hurt her and he was sure that she was still hiding something. She can't say it because it was too painful to even utter.

How could he had done so many horrible things before and not feel a single amount of guilt and pain; until now.

"How could I do such things to you and had the audacity to hope for your love.."

Yukiko was frozen as he declares all of these things but was snapped out of it when she heard a small almost inaudible sob.

Here he was, the so called High King of the Seven Seas, crying infront of her. Begging for her love and forgiveness.

This sudden behavior of his was shocking. How can this man, a dignified king, a man who had seen the world, a man who had overcome so many obstacles, stood there before a woman and cry because of her. All the pain, anger,and regrets came pouring down and condensced into tears.

Bewildered and surprised yet despite the confusing situation, Yukiko placed a dainty hand on top of his head before she gently stroked his hair. She can't even explain herself on why she was doing such a thing to the man whom she was ordering to let her go just moments ago.

The both of them slowly slid downwards until they were both on their knees, close to the earth where the scent of grass and the tropical flowers wafted into the air they breathe.

Yukiko continued to comfort him, eyes still wide in surprise but was now laced with worry. Sinbad's shoulders were still trembling but it was so obvious that he was trying hard to suppress it.

This was such an unexpected reaction that she didn't know what to do.

Yukiko leaned back to take a look on his face but Sinbad hung his head low, hiding his face from her as if ashamed.

"Sinbad look at me." She tells him as she tries to peek under. The male remained unmoving.

"Sin..please.." Yukiko cupped his cheeks and lifted his head slowly. There she saw something that unexpectedly broke her heart.

The man she once love is now in the same state as she was two years ago. Tears stained his cheeks. His eyes, although looking away from her, were filled with nothing but sadness. His lips slightly agape.

"Sin..why do you cry?" She asked of him. "Will you tell me?"

The now disheveled king slowly shifted his eyes to her. The fire in his blazing amber eyes had gone dim but still met with hers.

"..because I love you so. And because I love you, I wish for you to no longer feel any pain. I'm crying because of how sad it is that now you wish for me to let you go and knowing full well that I have to no matter what I do to prevent it. Because I am the cause.. I am the root of your pain."

Sinbad placed his hands on hers that was touching the either side of his face. He leaned close to her touch, to her hands that are cold as the snow in her country. The place where they first met. The place where they promised to meet again and see the world together one day. The place where the first fell in love.

"Yukiko, I hate myself for putting you in such a miserable state. Now I know your pain and this is horrible. Who would've thought that loving someone hurts this much." Sinbad slowly removes her hands from his face.

"But I'm glad that I fell in love. I'm glad that I fell in love with you, Yuki.."

Holding her soft and delicate hands riddled with scars and carvings in his rough ones made him realize how small she was and yet so full of will and courage. He found another reason why he loves her this much.

With that he smiled.

"...Sin..." called out a tired and hoarse voice.

Sinbad snapped out his thoughts upon hearing his name being called on. To his surprise, he saw the woman he loves who has been bedridden and unconcious for three days was finally awake.

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