{35} Promise

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Finn's POV-

Wyatt shoved me in the room, as I fell on the floor with bruises all over my body and a busted lip. "Finn!" Millie rushed over to me, as I laid on the floor.

"I'm so sorry." She cried, stroking my cheek.

"We have a deal. In order for you not to get hurt, I'm gonna hit Finn twice a day, to fill in for you." Wyatt smirked, as Millie cried.

"You're a monster, you're gonna kill him!" She spat, as he scoffed, slamming the door. Millie cried, as I laid on the ground, bleeding.

Millie helped me up, sitting me on the bed, putting a warm wash cloth on my face, cleaning up my cuts.

I patted my lap, as she sniffled, sitting down. "We're gonna get out of here okay? I promise you we'll be just fine." I gave a small smile.

"I don't want him to hurt you anymore." She cried, as I sighed, pulling her in for a hug. She buried her face in my shoulder, drenching my shirt in tears.

"As long as he doesn't even hurt you, I'll be fine."

"I wanna go home. I don't want you to get hurt anymore." She wrapped her arms around my neck, hugging me tightly.

"We'll be home soon. I love you." I pulled away from the hug, resting my forehead on hers.

"I love you too." She sniffled, kissing my lips softly.

Wyatt walked in with dinner, setting our plates down, as Millie buried her face in my shoulder.

"Millie. Eat your damn food." Wyatt ordered.

"No." She mumbled, as I sighed. She's a savage.

"Dammit Millie eat it now!" He screamed, making her flinch. He stormed out, as Millie hugged me, shaking.

"Come on Millie, eat some food." I kissed her cheek, as she nodded slowly, eating her food with me.

We finished our food, as I went to the bathroom to take a shower, getting in.

I got out of the shower, getting dressed into some random pajamas Wyatt gave me, as I went to the bed, laying with Millie.

"My mom will be here soon, I promise." I wrapped my arms around her waist, as she nodded her head slowly.

I kissed her lips softly, as she smiled, burying her face in my chest. We eventually drifted off to sleep, in each other's arms.


I woke up, and saw Millie asleep in my chest, as I smiled, kissing her forehead. Wyatt walked in, as I sighed, knowing it's time for my appointment as he likes to call it.

I kissed Millies cheek, getting up, as Wyatt pulled me into the basement.

Millies POV-

I woke up, and realized that Finn wasn't in bed. I heard Finn and Wyatt downstairs, as tears burned in my eyes, he was hurting him.

I got up quickly, walking out the room. I quickly went into Wyatt's room, looking for something. I looked under his mattress, smirking.

I slowly grabbed his gun, walking in the basement. "Let him go!" I held the gun up, as they widened their eyes.

"Millie where'd you get that?" Finn asked.

"Let him go now." I mumbled, as Wyatt crossed his arms. I saw a gun in his pocket, as I panicked, accidentally shooting his leg.

Finn widened his eyes, as Wyatt fell to the ground, holding his leg. I quickly picked his gun up so he didn't have anything to hurt us with, quickly untying Finn.

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