{25} Locked in

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^^^ that video is my life.

Do any of y'all know who Ivy is? She's Finn's friend from school and I don't like her. She was liking homophobic tweets of Millie and said that Millie looks like the clown from it when she wears makeup. And Finn is still friends with her. IM SO MAD

So someone gave me an idea, and I loved that idea, and so I'm gonna change it up a bit!! Thanks for the idea! @user43382881

Finn's POV-

"Finn!" Caleb ran up to me, in his basketball uniform. "You're coming to the game! It's the last game of the season!"


"Because you're my best friend, and I need you to be there when I kick the other teams ass!" He cheered, as Sadie and Millie walked up.

"Sadie's gonna cheer me on, right Sade's." He winked, as she smirked, nodding her head.

"And if he does.. he's gonna be rewarded." She smirked, as Millie and I scrunched our faces up in disgust.

"Millie, you have to come too!" Sadie smiled widely, as Millie sighed, nodding her head. "We'll go." I groaned, as they smiled widely.


"Do I really have to go?" I asked, looking for a different shirt, as Millie laid in my bed, reading a book.

"Yes, come on, its for Caleb." She smiled, as I shrugged, nodding my head. "Which shirt?" I lifted up two shirts.

"No shirt works for me." She smirked, making me chuckle. "But since I don't want anyone else seeing your hot bod, then I choose the dark blue." She shrugged, as I nodded my head, putting it on, making her frown.

I finished getting ready, grabbing my stuff. "Mills, let's go." I smiled, as she sighed, getting out of my bed. She smiled, kissing my lips quickly, and walking downstairs.

We said bye to my mom and the girls, walking outside, and getting in my car. I started the car, as Millie grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers.


We walked into the school, hand in hand, walking around. Millie gasped, as I furrowed my eyebrows, looking at her.

"They're selling my favorite book in the library!" She cheered happily.

"Mills it's a basketball game, doesn't that seem a little sketchy." I mumbled, as she shrugged.

"Oh come on, the game doesn't start until another fifteen minutes!" She pulled me away, as I groaned, following her.

We walked in the library, and saw the lights on, but no one in there. "See, it's probably just a prank, let's get out of here." I walked towards the door, but it wouldn't budge.

"Uh, Mills. Why isn't the door working?" I furrowed my eyebrows, trying to open it.

"Let me try." She tried opening it, but it wouldn't love.

"Hey sluts!" We saw Maddie walk up to the door.

"Maddie, this isn't funny. Let us out!" Millie yelled, as Maddie smirked, shaking her head.

"I have the key. And no one comes to the library after school, not unless you're a nerd like Millie." She smiled.

"See ya!" She smiled, walking away. "Oh, wait. One more thing.." she turned out the lights, walking off.

Somebody Else {FILLIE}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora