🌸Chapter 34🌸

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Misaki POV

"Misaki, Misaki? Misaki are you ok?" I woke up drowsily, massaging my neck. I suddenly thought of being attacked as I sat straight up, scaring Jodie sensei as she took a few steps back and came forward again. I looked at my hands. Empty. "Yea. Im fine. I think i jus got stun gunned by someone." As we walked back to the car, i kept on thinking about the way the person fought earlier. That move of holding my by the neck, its really familiar. "Lets go and get to the headquarters. We can see if the thumbdrive is inserted into their computer or not."

"Its in already. We are trying to retrieve a few files before they realise and start blocking us. Are you the newcomer by the way? I've never seen you before. And you look like someone i know, but nevermind."

"Yea. Nice to meet you." I smiled as I glanced at the computer screen. The person is trying to hack their way in. The agent typed in a few more commands before unplugging the thumbdrive inserted in the computer earlier. He passed the laptop and thumbdrive to Jodie Sensei. "You know what to do. The thumbdrive to the higher ups and the laptop to the resource centre. Ask them to do a reset."
Jodie Sensei signalled an ok sign, meanwhile calling me to come with her.

"You probably had quite a day. Rest well, see you tomorrow." She said, as she pulled up outside my house.
"Where did you go? You didn't pick up my call." Conan'kun asked, following me as I lie down on my sofa and sighed. "First mission. And it made me become suspicious of him."

"So, you think its him? What if he recognised you?" Shinichi said, thinking. I shook my head. He couldnt have done that, to see my face. They would want to leave as soon as possible.

Anyways, I'll try to cover up my identity, as far as I can for the safety of Shin'chan. I cannot afford to have his identity exposed at this time, with so many connections with B.O. I looked at the photo of me and Otou'san. I must not end up like him.

"Misaki, you wanna catch a movie after this? Since its friday." Tatsue asked. I was about to say something when i heard a shout. "Someone help, my wallet is stolen!" A person ran past us, nearly knocking into me. We started chasing after him, while i realised Tatsue was lagging behind. Strange, i thought he ran faster than me.
I grabbed the man's shoulder and twisted it, causing him to drop the bag. The person ran away before I could catch him. Tatsue slowly caught up. After the lady got her bag back, we walked back to the school. "Where did you learn that move, it was quite impressive." "I learnt it when i was little, you didn't know? Speaking of which, why did you run so slow?" Injured my leg last week. He said, showing a cut on his leg. It looked so much like the place where I kicked the attacker's leg. Could it really be him? A honk came behind us as I turned and saw Jodie sensei in the car. "Oh, i forgot to tell you, I'm having english lessons with Jodie sensei every friday, so i cant go to the movie with you sorry!" I said, going into Jodie sensei's car.

Shinoki POV

I waved at her as the car drove off. Meanwhile thinking how her attack at the robber seemed so much like how my attacker twisted my shoulder. She probably didnt know I slipped a listening device into her bag. Putting on my earpiece, I started walking home.

Misaki POV

Jodie sensei took my bag the moment i entered the bus, and looked inside. Taking out a button, she said, "Misaki, would you like a drink, we can stop at the convenience store nearby."

When we reached the convenience store, she dropped the button with the bag, saying out loud, "oh, sorry, let me pick it up." Thank you" i continued her act, stepping on the button just as we walked to the store. I knew who placed it, and it made me even more suspicious.

"I think you know who is it, by the look you have, and I suggest staying away from him, when ever possible that is." I nodded. What can I tell her?

"Any progress?" Conan asked when i got . I sat on the sofa while talking, "Nothing much. Still no signs of them taking actions. Guess we have to wait. And some things happened. I think we have to be careful of Tatsue."

"What?! Youll be in danger if he discovers it, so you're sure you wanna take this up?" Conan asked, looking worried. If her ever discovers and let the B.O. know.... well, its a sure die for us, unless we take them down first.

But since i have already did it, there's no turning back.

My phone rang as i turned over to the other side of my bed to see it was Tatsue calling me. Speak of the devil.
"Hey, Misaki did you see a button anywhere? I think i dropped it yesterday." I looked at that crushed button on my table. I had taken out the chip and destroyed it, leaving the empty shell sitting by the window.

"What button? I didn't see any." I said, staring at the ceiling. If you're not gonna tell me the truth, dont blame me, i thought. "Ok nevermind then, bye!" I stared at my phone. Had he really changed, and for the better or worse?

A/N: hii I'm back again. Sorry for the long breaks. I'll try to post more since I finished my exams. Enjoy!

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