{chapter 3}

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Conan POV
"Ran'nechan, im home." I said, opening the door of the Mouri Detective Agency.
"Ran'nechan?Ran'ne-" I saw a figure lying on the floor. "RAN!?" I ran towards the unconcious her, meanwhile taking out my phone calling the ever familiar number.
"Hello? Oji'san quickly come back, Ran'nechan is hurt." After that i punched in a few more numbers, "hello?ambulance?..."


"Good thing that kid discovered her early, or she might be in danger, you all can go in now" The doctor said, looking at oji'san. I rushed in the the room, seeing Ran lying on the hospital bed, somehow it hurts inside. "Baka, why didnt you see the criminal?!" I scolded myself.
"Wait...maybe, is this connected to black organisation?!" He thought, putting his hands in his pocket, pacing around the room, thinking of the possibilities that might have happened in the room.

"Conan'kun, you are making me dizzy..." She said, trying to sit up.

"Ran'nechan, you ok? Who attacked you?" I asked, meanwhile helping her sit up. "Im not sure, he was wearing all black, a bit creepy in my opinion, and he had sunglasses even in the room. Ouh yes and his face is a bit of squarish?" I stared at her. The description... so much like Vodka..... wait... does that mean he found out my identity?! I stood there, wondering what i should do next.......


He looks weird...wait maybe more like scared. But thats not the conan i know. The conan i know is brave, courageous... like shinichi..... "Ne, Conan'kun, what are you thinking?" I asked, if he is Shinichi......

Conan POV

"N-nothing, Ran'nechan" resting my chin on my hands. If Gin and Vodka are here, attacking Haibara and Ran, then.... Does that mean they will be back?!


There he goes, that pose, why haven I thought of it?! I should find some time and ask him, hopefully he has a good reason for it. I should trust him....

Narrator POV

The door opened, and the detective boys walked in. "Ran'nechan! Get well soon ok?" Ayumi said, smiling at her. "And we made you a bracelet, even though Mitsuhiko says it should be a lucky charm...." Genta said, looking over at Mitsuhiko with an annoyed face. "Uh-hehehhe I mean its for her to get well soon right..." he replied, scratching his head. "Anyways, thank you for visiting me!" Ran said, sliding the bracelet onto her wrist.

A/N: hello again. Sorry if my paragraphs are super short like 400+ words only. My exams are over so maybe i will start to brainstorm more on what to write and start plotting on the upcoming "battle" between conan and the black organisation, so look out for it!


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