/Chapter 14\

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A/N: Hey yoz people I'm backk! On to the next chapter!enjoy! :)

Misaki POV
"Woah, this is grand!" I said, running through the rooms. One for me, one for Sonoko, another one for Ran and Shinichi the couple.....

"Oi Misa'chan why are you laughing?" Conan said, looking annoyed. "No-nothing.." I said, still giggling over the thought.

"Lets go to the nearby restaurant for lunch, shall we?" Sonoko said, skipping towards the door with me, Shinichi and Ran walking behind her. The lunch was delicious with my favourite food, Ramen! And throughout lunch, Shinichi and Ran have been talking non-stop, much to Sonoko annoyance. But its good they are back to normal, isn't it? Just then, a scream could be heard, followed by sounds of a splash and someone screaming a name. Conan ran to the scene, with the rest of us following behind, not expecting to see someone drowning in the pool. I immediately removed my shoes and jumped in as there was only the woman drowning and the man scared out of his wits, which clearly is unable to save the woman. The woman was sinking fast as I looped my hands under her shoulders and start swimming to the poolside. The water was sure cold, freezing and slowing down my strokes second by second as I struggle to carry the woman back ashore. People swarmed over to help me when I almost reached the shore, with someone helping to do CPR on her. Ran gave me a towel, which I dried myself in. Soon, the ambulance came, bringing the woman to the hospital. Thats when Conan said, " Call the police too. " Then I realised that the woman had marks of being tied up on her hands and legs, which means someone tried to kill her. "But who can it be..." I wondered, suddenly noticing someone hiding behind the bushes from the corner of my eye, but saw nothing when I turned around. The police soon came, with us explaining what happened. "Ok we will investigate the place." The police said, rising from his seat and walked out of the door. "Lets go back to our room to change, Misaki, or else you might catch a cold." Ran said, grabbing my hand leading me along with her. "Wait, wheres Shinichi?" Ran said, looking around. "He is probably investigating I guess, lets go first, I'll send him a message to tell him we went back." I said. Something feels wrong, but I just cannot pinpoint where. Did something happen to Shinichi?


While drying the towel, my bracelet given by Shinichi suddenly snapped, shocking me. Could something have happened to him? "I walked over to Misaki who is drying her hair, and asked, "Misaki, I have a feeling that Shinichi is in trouble, should we go look for him?" I said. "Me too, I think we should call him first."

Misaki POV

I called his handphone number, but no one was picking up. "Taku, why isn't he answering?" I said, picking up my coat and shouted to Ran, "stay here, he might come back later" and walked out of the room, in search of Conan.

"Conan'kun ! Where are you?" I shouted repeatedly earning only stares from strangers. "Excuse me, have you seen this boy with glasses?" I asked, showing them the picture of Conan. But all shook their heads. "Conan! Where are you?!" I shouted again. Then I saw something catching my eye. Its the transmitter and glasses that Shinichi uses! I put it on, switching it on. Other than the four dots of the detective badges given to the children, a stray dot was seen near Misaki's own badge. "Shin'chan must be there, smart of him to drop the glasses" I thought, running towards that direction towards the swimming pool. "Ahh!!" Conan shouted, after which there is a splash pf someone being thrown into the pool tied up, unable to swim. "Hey what are you doing?!" I shouted, taking a  packet of tomato sauce from my pocket and threw it on him, splattering on his shirt and pants. "Conan!" I shouted, jumping into the pool again, lifting him up onto the edge of the pool. "Conan! Are you okay?" I said, peeling off the tape on his mouth, hands and legs. He coughed out water as Misaki stood up and carried him back to the hotel room. "Who is that person, and why is he trying to drown you?" I asked when we got back, with Ran running to get fresh dry clothes for him to change. "I think its the person that tried to drown that woman just now. He might have done this to revenge and shut my mouth. I found out that the person is her future husband, but I just need evidence." He said, drying his hair. "Taku, Shinichi, don't go running away and getting yourself into danger all the time! Quick change into these clothes or else you might catch a cold, Misaki too." Ran said, handing out clothes. "After this, lets go look for evidence and close this case." Misaki said, walking towards the bathroom. "Hai!" Conan said, running into the other bathroom to change.

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