•《Chapter 29》•

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A/N : posting early tday since im gonna be quite busy later, enjoy!

Misaki POV

I slumped to the floor just as Vodka hit me in the stomach again. Conan looked at him, shocked. "Stop making such a din. Why isn't Chianti and Korn here?" He growled, walking out. "Ne, Ojisan, can you please bandage Misaki'nechan up? She's bleeding profusely." Conan said, using his childish voice. "No. I wouldn't care about her. We are just going to find Gin before finishing you all off anyways. Be good and stay here. Or you know what happens." Vodka answered, harshness in his voice. Conan looked at him with a curious stare, smart of him. He can at least save himself this way. Vodka opened the door, preparing to get out. I looked at Conan, signalling him to hurry run out before the door closed. Conan looked at me, then nodded, running out immediately. "Hey where are you-" Vodka never finished his sentence when i used a wooden rod and knocked him out cold. I limped my way behind him as we walked around looking for an escape. After a few minutes, heavy footsteps can be heard along the corridor behind us. Knowing I'm not going to make it, I grabbed Conan and hid in an empty room, locking the doors. We panted heavily inside, especially me. "Stop right there!" A voice could be heard from outside, followed by more footsteps. Conan, thinking it was Miyuki, went to open the door. I grabbed him to stop him, and gave a sceptical look. Something is wrong. We placed our ear against the door, trying to hear any information out. "Damn,  they are not here." Vodka cursed under his breath, continuing his search for us. We sighed in relief, leaning against the wall for support. Suddenly the door banged again. "This the only door that is locked." He commented, before realising something. He started banging on the door, hard. "Hey come out! I know you're in there." I looked at the door in fear. If he barges in.....

Conan, without thinking, opened the door and went out. "Ojisan! Have you seen Misaki'nechan?" He said worriedly, his voice in a childish accent again. Even with his face covered throughout the whole thing, i felt a smirk under that mask of his. "If that's so, then never mind." Walking away, I see a gleam in his eye. Shinichi walked in again, but i shushed him before he can talk. "Go, find Miyuki and the others. I can't move much, so I'll stay here. Hurry and go." I urged him to the door. He looked at me, then ran down the corridor.
I tried shifting myself away from the door, but i could only move a little, I'm bleeding too much. I grabbed a towel on a nearby rack and pressed on my wound, hoping to stop the flow a little. Suddenly the door came swinging open, a bang sound heard from the slamming. I froze, squirming into the corner, holding on to the towel like my life depends on it. I tried making myself as less visible as possible, holding cardboard boxes in front of me. The room was quite dark, so he wouldn't be able to see me so easily.

"Where did that girl go? She couldn't have run far with that injury." Vodka wondered allowed, digging further into the room. I stayed still and closed my eyes. Its not going to be long before he finds me. I hope Conan has already escaped. A ball suddenly rolled into the room, hitting Vodka on the leg. He's still here. Underneath his black mask i see a smirk forming as he walked out of the room. A few gunshots rang as I jumped, wondering if I should get out of here. I forced myself to stand up, realising that I can without much effort, I walked out of the room. As I limped along the corridor, I heard more gunshots getting further and further down. I tried to quicken my pace, cringed when the pain hits me again, and walked slower again. I repeated this as I continued walking on corridor after corridor. Vodka nearly saw me as I turn around a corner, and ducked into a corner where he's not able to see me. "You brat come out!" I heard a voice shout, opening door after door. I slowly creeped up behind him, trying to make as little sound as possible. He finally sensed something is wrong and turned around. I swung my hand at him, knocking him on the floor. Conan jumped out of nowhere, sitting on him and held his hands tied. Using all the energy i have left, I searched his body, throwing all the guns into a far corner. I sighed in relief, sitting down, leaning against the wall for support. "Are you ok?" Conan asked worriedly, looking at me. I smiled weakly, "Should be able to hang on for a while more."

Footsteps could be heard in the distance, and we were expecting Miyuki and the rest to appear. But lock doesn't seem to be on our side. I recognised someone that looks like Korn under that mask, though there are no signs of Chianti. Conan knocked Korn out immediately using his tranquilizer gun. Vodka took the chance and flung Conan to the other end of the corridor, and I caught him straight in my arms, causing me to groan when I flinched due to the pain. Vodka walked towards us, retrieving the gun I threw aside on the way. I held conan tight behind me, hiding into a corner. "Misaki..." Conan whispered, and I shushed him. One is better than both of us dead. I heard Vodka ready to pull the trigger. Seeing a smirk beneath that mask of his, I closed my eyes, using all my weight to push Conan against the corner of the wall. He squirmed about, but sat down afterwards knowing that he couldn't move.

"What a shame, we could have let you off after this, or even take you in." He said, closing his hands around the trigger.
The gunshot was loud, and I squeezed my eyes shut, preparing to face it. A large thud could be heard, and I open my eyes, surprised. I look down only to see my original wound there, and then seeing Vodka lying on the floor, hugging his legs in pain. I turned around and saw Conan, as shocked as me. "Misaki, Shin- Conan'kun!" Our names could be heard as Miyuki came running towards us. I sighed in relief, realising I had been tense the whole time.  "Lets get you to a hospital first." Miyuki said, grabbing my arm.

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