🌊chapter 33🌊

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I walked into the cafe we had agreed in, and saw her at a table sipping her coffee. "Jodie'sensei." I greeted her, sitting down.

"So, the thing i wanted to ask was, as you know, you have had very close connections with the FBI, and also the black organisation, and you definitely have some familiarity with them, so im asking if you have any interest to be part of the FBI?"

I didnt know what to say. Shinoki and Miyuki were in the FBI, yes, but joining it will put me in danger, and i may end up just like Shinoki or Otou'san. The thought of Otou'san made me shiver a bit. But if no one was going to bring the B.O. down, who will?

"You have a lot of time to think, you know. Im not forcing you to give a answer now. I know its hard, after what happened to you father and brother." I looked at her, confused. She know my dad? "A few of my colleagues know him, and they will be surprised to see you if you ever choose to come." She said, smiling.
Her face suddenly darkened. Whispering to me, she said in english, "Dont look behind, one of the spies are here."
"Well then, I'll get going. If anyone ask you about it, just say im giving you extra english lessons." She said, walking out of the cafe. I turned around, seeing a person dressed in black walking out after her. I walked out a few minutes later, seeing the same man dressed in black outside. Acting like nothing happened, I casually walked back home. A hand suddenly landed on my shoulder, stopping me. "You know Jodie'sensei?" That man asked. "She's my english teacher, why?" I asked, hiding my fear as I felt that strong feeling pulsing in me. "Oh nothing." He said, guessing that she was probably here to give me lessons. I shrugged and left.

"So, do you think I should?" I asked Conan'kun, after telling him what happened today.
"Go for it. We are in danger already, after so many incidents and Shinoki's death. Its either we get discovered and killed or we track them down and take them down, so why not take action first? Dont need to worry about our danger, i can get Ran to move back to Ojisan's house. Since it was our family who caused this problem, we should just solve it." He said, going into Ran's room to discuss this matter.
If no one can bring them down, then we will.

"Hello? Jodie'sensei? About just now, im willing to give it a try." I said, as she told me more about what to do. "Great, now every friday after school i will go over to your house and update you about any movements of the B.O.. Also, we will check for any listening devices just in case. Meanwhile, you just be careful and wait for your first mission. To be honest, im happy you joined. We havent been doing well since Shinoki's death." After chatting a while, i hung up, thinking what mission they will assign me with.

"Its ok for me to come over later right?" Tatsue said, while we walked out of the school. I stopped. I didnt tell him about FBI. I dont really trust him. Not yet. "Hold on. Hello? Huh, must I? Ok fine." His face darkened as hung up his call, sighing. "Looks like not today, i need to rush back to Osaka."

My phone rang minutes later, which i picked up. "Misaki, its time for your first mission, I'll pick u up outside the school."

"Hi, great to see you. So what you have to do is to pretend to guard a piece of information about the B.O. and let them have it." She said, and I raised my eyebrow. Pretend? And they let the newcomer do it? "The 'information' contains a virus that hacks into their database, so we will be able to get more information. So now you know why we let you do it? All you need is your acting skills. Normally we wouldn't tell newcomers this, the B.O. thinks all agents are experienced."

So my task was this. Protect one of the agent who is supposedly holding the "information" and let them have it. But we have to not let them suspicious of the thumbdrive.

"Its ok relax. If they dont manage to get the thumbdrive, no harm done. If they get it. All the better."

A car suddenly stopped in front of us as we braked hard. "They're here, good luck, Misaki." Jodie sensei said, jumping off the van and signalling for me to follow her. I put my mask on and jumped off after her, running off into the forest behind. I saw the others running in the opposite direction, distracting them. A few gunshots and shouting could be heard.
I heard footsteps getting closer and closer as we ran. Jodie sensei passed me the thumbdrive, signalling for us to split ways. We split just as we hear very close footsteps just behind us. I sprinted as i heard footsteps behind me again. There is two of them and I have to find a way to let them have it without being suspicious. Grabbing the thumbdrive in my hand, i ran a few more steps, only to not hear the footsteps anymore. Thinking this might be a trap, i ran back, looking around at the same time. A arm suddenly grabbed my neck, which i quickly reacted and twisted his shoulder and kicked his leg hard. He let out a cry as i ran a few steps back. He looked really familiar, but I'm not paying attention to that right now.

Running to my left, I tried to locate Jodie Sensei, according to the direction she ran off to. The arm suddenly grabbed me by surprise, as i feel a shock on my neck as i feel unconscious, falling to the ground.

Tatsue POV

I picked up the thumbdrive from the ground and smirked. The stungun worked. The agent couldn't have ran back to where they were, since its supposedly covered by our people by now. That move just now that hurt my shoulder was familiar though. And it hurts a lot. Leaving that person there, i walked back casually, telling the person to drive back to the headquarters.

A/N : hii again! Ive written this a long time ago but forgot to publish it im so sorryy 😅😅 anyways hope you liked this chapter! The next chapter should be out by the next few weeks.

Detective conan fanfic: All Falls DownNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ