☆《Chapter 26》☆

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A/N: Hi again! I might be adding new characters again, so bear with me for a bit. on with the story!

Misaki POV
I walked along the broad hallway of the school corridor. Conan had told me not to come but I have insisted to come, after all im fine, I guess?

"You really didn't need to come, Jodie'sensei would have helped explain everything." Ran said, as we walked to our lockers. "Im fine, really." I said it for the millionth time. In front, I saw a familiar person in front of me. I started grabbing Ran and walked in the opposite direction. Ran too, saw him and allowed me to drag her away.

"Ran! Misaki'chan! Where are you going?" A voice behind us shouted. I turned around and saw Sonoko staring at us. Now he too, had noticed us. Oh great. "I wanted to buy something first, so I got Ran to go with me first." I continued, with Ran nodding. "Never mind lets just go to the classroom, that can wait." I said, walking back in the other direction to the classroom. As i walked past Tatsue'kun, our eyes met and I looked away immediately.  I cannot talk to him right now about anything, after all that happened. How did he know Oniisan was in Osaka? And why didn't he stop him?

Tatsue POV

She's avoiding me, her face tells me that. I didnt even know how Otou'san knew about Shinoki'nichan. He just gave me a call that he got a tip-off from someone that he was in Osaka and told me to send backup. Of course, all I saw was police cars, so much that I didnt even dare to go near. I saw Misaki and Conan'kun sitting at the ledge, meanwhile catching sight of someone looking like Otou'san in the police car that was driving away. As safety reason, i told them to retreat, of course, meanwhile informing Vermouth about it. Vermouth seems pissed, but when she heard about Misaki'kun and Conan'kun being there, she had me to investigate immediately, wanting the truth of what exactly happened. She took charge of Gin's matters immediately, reporting it to the boss as well.
After that i found out that Gin had pushed Shinoki'nichan into the waters, and not found till now. Having told Vermouth all these, for one moment she seems sad and devastated, but kept her face straight for the rest of the time i was telling her what happened. I dont know what happened after that, but she didnt come out of her office till late night.

Misaki POV

"Do you think he may know what is going to happen?" Ran asked, breaking me off my daze at the window. It was our lunch time but I hardly ate anything, too engrossed in thinking about it. "I don't know. There must be a reason on why he knew, but i don't want to talk to him right now." I said. I'm not talking to him, not because I'm mad at him, but because I want to avoid suspicion. They will definitely keep a lookout of those around him, which includes me, Conan'kun, Ran, Hakase and Subaru'san. Him around me will also mean he might be suspected.

"Kudo'kun, you are expected at the office, go." The teacher came in and told me to go. I stood up, not knowing what is happening. Everyone stared after me as i walked out of the classroom. I wonder who is it.

I saw a familiar figure standing at the counter, and turned around when she sensed me. Miyuki (A/N: this is a new character aka Misaki's sister. But i guess she wont really appear for long? At most a chapter or two.) stood there smiling at me. I hugged her tightly. She was the first one to get sent to Osaka to study to avoid the Black Organisation before me, so she has the less affiliation to them, but she still knows about them, given that we, being Oniisan and me, have told her almost everything about B.O.
"I heard about it. Okasan told me." She said. Which means she knows about it. I was about to ask her another question when she cut me off. "No, its not her who did it. Its Gin, he acted on his own by pushing him off. The organisation is probably trying to kill him now." But provided by the strong defence and  security measures by the FBI, it is unlikely to happen.

Miyuki must have read me, continuing, "Of course, thats for them to worry about, right now, you just do the job you need to do as a little sister, and that is to study hard. Dont think about being a FBI agent to catch them." She said sternly, looking at me with penetrating eyes. She got me again.   "Well, unless you are sure you will do a good job and catch them once and for all, then maybe, and oh, haven't i told you? That's the purpose of me coming here." She continued, smiling at me. I looked at her, shocked, she, the one with the least interference of the B.O., going for FBI?

"I couldnt let them continuing to harm our family can I?" She looked at me, a proud gleam in her eye. "Are you..." i wanted to ask her, but stopped myself. "No, im not gonna infiltrate them. They got enough already. Im just gonna be there to analyse their movements, nothing much." She continued. I guess this role is safe enough as I sighed in relief. "Oh, and I heard about Shin'chan, help me say hi." She continued. "And, im here to bring you out." She said, pulling me out of the school building, and i followed her, knowing where we are going. The usual place.

"You knew we are coming here right?" She asked, and she didnt need and answer. My face was it.

I stared happily at the blue ocean waves crashing against the beach, pulling everything back again. This was the place where we always come when we reach Tokyo, which was where i met Shinichi, looking desperately for Ran.

"Come on there's still one more place." She said, patting my shoulder. I stood up and followed her into the park beside the beach.

I realised we were going to visit Oniisan's grave, only when we reached a area blocked by fences. I stood outside wondering if i should go in. Miyuki looked at me, and gave a unrelenting sigh. I shook my head at her, and walked to a nearby bench and sat down. I slowly turned around, watching Miyuki step in. I'm not ready for that yet.
I feel a pair of eyes spying at me. I turned around, but no one was there. Who could it be? I frantically called Miyuki, hoping that she is fine. "Hello? Looks like you also felt it, hold on I'm coming out." The familiar voice rushed relief into me. But she also felt it... does that mean they were indeed spying on us?

I saw Miyuki walk out quickly, grabbed my hand and sprinted to the car with me running behind her, trying to catch up.

When we are a in the car, panting, she finally spoke. "I sensed it. They were watching over us. I'm gonna send you home before going to the headquarters, they got a special meeting."
Suddenly, her phone rang, scaring the wits out of both of us. Miyuki looked at the contact, before seeming relieved and picked up the phone.
She put down the phone, and said, "Never mind what I said, you're coming with me."

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