♤《Chapter 27》♤

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A/N : Oh so sorry! I was totally drowned in schoolwork that i forgot to publish!😓 anyways hope you like it!

Misaki POV

We reached the place, walking into the large lobby. Jodie'sensei was standing there, waiting for us. "Im sorry about what happened. Lets go in first, I'll explain everything later." She started, leading us into the lift as it ascended up the tall building. We walked into a big meeting room, where a lot of important people are in there. I saw Shinichi sitting with Camel'san. Him too? I took a seat beside him, looking at him telepathically. He shrugged and we looked at the screen in front as Jodie'san started talking.

"As you all know, Shinoki'san met with an accident last week and even though we managed to catch one of its member, codename known as Gin, we unfortunately are unable to find him till today. After a detailed round of investigation, we found out that this information that he was in Osaka at that time and many other information that led to us frequently being a step behind them was because of an agent that was a spy sent by them. The spy is caught and undergoing intergoration now. All of you sitting here are the most trusted agents and people of the FBI and thus we hope you all will help keep and eye out for each other and report any suspicious activities......." Jodie'sensei speech lasted about an hour or so. When we were about to leave, Jodie'sensei called again. "Misaki'chan, Conan'kun can you all stay for a while?" We stopped, turning to face her. "I know you all are having a hard time, but keep a lookout and take care of yourself. We dont know yet if they will find out about you all, but just in case, stay away from them if possible." Jodie sensei said, patting my back as she walked out of the room.

We walked out of the building, with Miyuki walking in front to lead us to her car. "I haven't went there in a long while." She commented as she started the car, driving it out of the carpark.

We were chatting on the car happily, when I caught sight of a black Porsche behind us. "Miyuki! Drive faster." I said nervously, constantly looking behind to check if its still following us. If it is....

Miyuki seemed to have noticed it too. "Hang on." Was the only thing she said, with me and Conan holding on tight. We know what she can do. She drifted around the corner, and sped through a narrow alley, nearly hitting a rubbish chute. I turned behind and see the Porsche still hot on out heels. Miyuki turned again, with a sharper turn this time and drove out onto the main road, speeding up once more. "Oi oi, Miyuki'nechan, are you sure about driving so fast?" Shinichi asked worriedly, clinging on to the handle like his life depends on it. "No worries, I learnt this from your dear skilled mother, remember?" She said, and Shinichi kept quiet. His mom is indeed very skilled at driving, but something seems wrong, I couldnt see the Porsche anymore. "MIYUKI NECHAN!" Shinichi suddenly shouted, with me staring in horror as I see the Porsche in front of me. Miyuki stepped on the brake pedal hard as we went flying forward, but Miyuki wasn't early enough. I remember the car crashing into it until it finally stopped. Pain shoots into my head as I lose consciousness....

Miyuki POV

I saw the car in front of me before the large air bag popped out of the steering wheel and into my face. (A/N : I saw this in advertisements so i dont really know if its true)
All i see was Vodka sitting at the driver's seat, with Korn and Chianti behind. I think I fainted for a while before waking up again, turning around only too see Misaki and Shinichi unconscious. A crowd had gathered around our car as I opened the door and ran to the back, trying to shake Misaki and Shinichi awake, but they laid still their i checked their pulse, relieved that they are still breathing as I heard ambulance sirens in the distance.....

A car stopped behind us as they were bringing Misaki and Shinichi onto the ambulance. I looked behind and saw Jodie'sensei running out, holding me in her arms. "I'll bring you to the hospital first." She said, after seeing Camel'san asking the paramedics about their condition.
"They should be fine, maybe just a bit of concussion." Camel'san commented, getting into the driver's seat and started driving to the hospital.

Misaki POV

I opened my eyes and saw Miyuki looking at me, a worried expression on her face. "Oneechan..." i started, but she cut me off. "Shh, save your energy, feeling better now?" She asked, I nodded, meanwhile realising that Jodie'sensei was beside her. I suddenly remembered Shinichi and sat upright immediately before they could stop me. Oneechan looked relieved that I still have the energy to bolt up, not getting me to lie back down. "Where's Shinichi?" I said, worried for him. "He's still unconscious, probably waking up soon, come on, I'll bring you there." Oneechan said, bringing me a change a of clothes. Jodie sensei walked in at this moment, looking at us, confused. "She can be discharged tomorrow anyways, its ok for her to change now right?" Jodie sensei nodded, meanwhile adding, "I think Conan'kun is waking up soon, you can go see him."

We ran over to the room immediately, only to see Conan awake. Ran seemed very anxious as I walked up to her. "Misaki, you're awake! Look at him, what happened?" She said worriedly.

"Who-who are you?" Conan'kun said, shocking everyone in the room. 
We stared at him, shocked for about a minute or so. "I'll call the doctor." Jodie sensei broke the silence, walking out of the room. Miyuki pulled me and Ran across to the other end of the room. "We cannot let him know that Shinichi. Not in this state anyways. He might get kidnapped by the B.O and give himself away."  She said as we all looked at the confused Conan sitting there. We nodded as we turned back and walk towards him. "You really don't remember us?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Ok your name is Edogawa Conan. Im your cousin, Kudo Misaki. This is my sister, Kudo Miyuki. This my friend that is living with us, Mouri Ran." I said. He seems to understand, trying to digest what I said. "The doctor is here." Jodie sensei said, walking in with the doctor behind her.

"He's fine, I cannot find anything wrong with him, but you can bring him back home while we wait for the results of his brain scan." The doctor said, walking out of the room after a while of discussing. We decided to bring Shinichi back home first while we wait for the results to come out.

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