^(chapter 9)^

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Narrator POV

Today, Shinichi, Ran and Misaki were on their way back home, walking together like they used to for the past term, everything seemed the same as the previous days when something caught Misaki's eye. It was a black Porche.  Misaki stared at it, eyes wide open with fear. Shinichi and Ran sensed something wrong when she stopped, and turned around, only to see Misaki trembling in fear like Haibara when she sensed someone in the organisation. "Whats wrong Misa-" but Shinichi never finished the sentence when he saw the black Porche. "Gin." Misaki gasped, which came out more like a whisper as she stood rooted to the ground, leading to Ran looking at Misaki and the shocked Shinichi curiously.

"Ran go home first. We will follow after you later." Shinichi said, gently nudging Ran towards the direction of her home. "Bu-but," Ran tried to convince Shinichi to let her go but looking at the grave look on Shinichi's face and Misaki frowning at the car, Ran decided to go home first, walking home alone.

"What do you want to do now? I dont want them realising im now in Japan with someone they thought was dead." Misaki said hotly, looking at Shinichi.

"I will put a transmitter on to follow them you can go home first if you dont want to come." Shinichi replied, taking a transmitter out of his pocket. "You think I am going to leave you alone? Lets go." Misaki said, using a hair clip to open the car door, then made way for him to put the transmitter. "Fingerprints." Misaki reminded him, as Shinichi took out his handkerchief and wiped the car clean of his fingerprints. "Quick lets go." Shinichi said, climbing out of the car, running with Misaki to the other side of the road, buying drinks from the convenient store there. "Good thing I bleached my hair black from brown the moment I reached Japan, without knowing I will meet them again like this." Misaki commented, with Shinichi raising one eyebrow. "What? Mum made me go to the salon to get it bleached to brown since I was 5, dont you remember?" Misaki said, annoyed at him. "Oh yea... They are coming, quick pretend to chat while drinking." Shinichi said, turning his back away from them first, handing Misaki another one of his spectacles. "Nice disguise" Misaki said, putting them on to try it out as they started listening intently.

Conversation going on in the car

Gin: So, how did it turn out?

Vodka: According to the person we hired, Kudo Shinichi did not turn up.  Two detectives called Edogawa Conan and Kudo Misaki turned up to save that girl, this might mean he is really dead right?

Gin: we cannot say for sure, after all sherry is a traitor, and she was the one who changed the information about Kudo Shinichi on our database. Either she is related to this guy, or he is really dead.

Vodka: So what do we do now?

Gin: Carry out plan B.

Vodka: Ok.

Gin: Wait.

Vodka: Why boss?

Gin: *picks out the transmitter* again. I do not know who you are, but do not interfere, or else you will face the punishment. *breaks the transmitter*

~~~~~~~End of conversation~~~~~

Shinichi: damn!

Misaki: good thing mother did not tell him our full names, or I will be dead by now, so be thankful you are still alive from the organisation's chase.

Shinichi: So what now?

Misaki: they said something about plan B, and they are probably involved in Ran's recent kidnap, so we have to protect Ran.

Shinichi: Quick lets go over to her house and tell her about it.

Misaki: ok.

At Ran's house they told her about Gin and Vodka's conversation.

"Be careful Ran, we dont know what they will do to you." Shinichi said, a worried face written on his face. "Yes yes I will be careful, do not worry," Ran gave them a smile. Just then Misaki noticed something gleaming in the corner of her eye at the building opposite.
"Shinichi, Ran'san stay down!" She shouted, pushing them down with her. Shattering of glass can be heard and soon, it was raining glass pieces all over them. "Damn they are here! Shinichi hide yourself! Or they will notice you." Misaki said, hurriedly getting a spectacle from Mouri's drawer and handed it to him. Shinichi ruffled his hair and put on the spectacles, lying low, pretending to be unconcious like Misaki and Ran.

The door was burst open and out of the corner of Misaki's eye she can see Gin and Vodka rummaging through the office, where Vodka walked towards us and kicked Misaki in the leg, which she ignored and lay still, much to Ran's admiration to be able to act that good. "Boss, they seem to be dead." Vodka reported, but got a glare in return. "Baka, cant you see that girl's chest is still moving, they are just unconscious, leave them be, I dont think they are related. Furthermore, someone should have called the police by now, so lets go unless you want to get caught." Gin said, walking out of the agency, pulling his hat down over his face with Vodka following behind.

A/N: hello! I do not know what to say but I guess there will be a lot of chapters coming out soon? Anyways thank you for reading this fanfic which is my first.

Detective conan fanfic: All Falls DownOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora