|《Chapter 13》|

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"Ne, Shin'chan , do you think we will encounter them soon?" Misaki asked, glancing at Conan who is lying on the sofa, deep in thought. "They might lay low first after killing Kudo Shinichi wont they? Anyways all we know is that they wont bother us anymore given that they believe I am dead right? So dont worry about it." He said, now walking over to the kitchen to see what Ran is cooking for dinner. "I hope so." Misaki said, looking at the couple in the kitchen fooling around happily. "Oh yes, I nearly forgot, Sonoko invited us over to another party tonight, seems like his uncle is gonna showcase another jewellery again and Kaito Kid is gonna try steal it, I suppose." Ran said, scooping out curry from a pot. "And she wants me to catch him for her right? I knew it..." Misaki said, giving a bored face. For the past few weeks,  Misaki and Conan have been solving cases and got a little of fame. "Yeah, so you all are coming right?" Ran continued. "I will, and this boy too, definitely, since Kaito Kid has been his number one 'enemy' right?" Misaki said, smirking at Conan. "The detective boys are going to catch the latest Kamen Yaiba movie, I will be back by 6 for the party." Conan said, picking up his skateboard and walked out of the door.

Conan POV

"Conan! You are late!" The detective boys shouted as he ran towards them. "Sorry.."Conan said, scratching his head. "Lets go." Haibara said, walking into the cinema with the kids humming to the tune of the theme song behind them.

Narrator POV

~~~~After the movie~~~~~~~

After saying goodbye, they parted ways, with Conan walking towards his house when he saw Misaki and Ran standing by the door. "Shin'chan! You are late, quickly go change." Misaki said, folding her arms and leaning against the door with Ran calling a taxi. "Hai hai" Conan said, running up the stairs to his room. They soon reached the hotel where Sonoko was waiting for them. "Hello! So you brought this brat along huh." She said, leading them into the room with Conan glaring, clearly not knowing this "brat" is Shinichi. "So this is the gem! Pretty right?" Sonoko boasted, gleaming at the two girls admiring the gem. "I wonder why would Kid want to steal this kind of things, I mean, you cant sell it straightaway right?" Misaki wondered, shifting her eyes away from the gem sitting in the glass box. "Hmm you are right, but Kid have not stole anything yet right? All he does is put them back.." Sonoko grumbled, leaning her hands on the table.

Suddenly a blackout occurred and people are frantically trying to find a way out. Misaki immediately grabbed the gem in her hand as she sees the gem sparkling in the dark room. A hand covered hers as soon as she wrapped her hands on the gem. She looked up, shocked to see Kaito Kid smiling at her. Misaki immediately swings her leg over and knocks Kid down, with the lights returning and Conan grabs him, still in admiration of Misaki's skills. Misaki runs over to tell the police, leaving the two. "Sorry, but I am not going to let you catch me, not this time." Kaito Kid says, knocking Conan out. "Yes we are." A voice came behind them. Misaki swung her leg over to him again, this time hitting his chin, causing him to lose balance as she put her arm forward and knocked Kid to the floor flat. Just then smoke appeared out of nowhere as everyone coughed Kid managed to escape, much to Misaki's annoyance.
"Where is the gem?!" Sonoko's uncle said, looking frantically on the floor for the gem after the smoke cleared out and Kaito Kid is nowhere to be seen.

"He took it? Wait, isn't it on my hand?" Misaki wondered, looking at the gem on her hand. She must have been grabbing on it since the whole incident. "Looks like Kid have failed this time too." Conan said, laughing as Misaki handed the gem over to Sonoko's uncle. "I have booked a 3 day vacation at Osaka for the long weekend, but I realised I have other plans, so why dont you go? Take this as a gift of gratitude for saving the gem." Sonoko's uncle said, inviting Sonoko, Ran, Misaki and Conan. "Sure! Thank you. See you tomorrow, Sonoko!" Misaki said as they prepared to go home and prepare for tomorrow's holiday.

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