《Chapter 18》

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Misaki POV

Finally! We are back in Tokyo! What an adventure in Osaka. Shin'chan and Ran look tired out so we went home first, but our rest was soon disturbed as Subaru'san came knocking on the door. As I opened the door, he immediately rushed in, apologising at the same time. When I closed the door, he explained that the B.O have got evidence that he (A/N: Im referring to Akai'san) is alive and that he lives around here. So they are having a check on this vicinity. Just then, the doorbell could be heard on the door. I walked up to the door with Conan and opened the door to see two policemen standing at the gate. As i walked towards them, i feel a strong scent of the B.O. but i managed to suppress my fear as I talked. "Hi, what can I help you with? My cousin hasn't created any trouble has he?" I said, looking at Conan, who played along as well, started faking innocence. "Oh, no, nothing like that. Its just that a criminal has been running loose lately, so we are just asking if you have seen him." The policeman said, showing us a pic of Akai'san before the accident. I shook my head, telling them that I will keep a lookout. "By the way, does anyone live at the house beside your neighbour?" The second fake policeman asked.

"You mean Subaru'san? I'm not sure, haven seen him lately, maybe he went on a work trip." I said, shrugging. "Ok then thank you for your help!" The policemen said as they walked away.

I heaved a sigh of relieve as we walked into the house telling Subaru'san what I told the policemen.
"You better stay here for a night, they are definitely gonna keep watch here today." I said, knowing what they will do. Ran and I will have to share a room. I quickly called Hakase and told him to say the same thing. I wonder how will Haibara react when she picks up the scent of them.

Haibara POV

I can feel it, and its even stronger when Hakase opened the door. I calmed down, using Misaki'sans method, and ran into the living room and took a peek at the door.

"No, never saw him before, hold on let me take a call." Hakase said, picking up his phone, after a while, he nodded his head and hung up.
"Sorry, please continue." He said, which after that they asked about Subaru'san, which is weird. I thought he was a member of B.O.
Hakase lied about him probably going on a work trip. After they left, I looked at Hakase, expecting an answer. Hakase looked at me apologetically, saying, "You better call Misaki'kun" 

Misaki POV

My phone rang just as we finished clearing out the guest room for Subaru'san. As i picked up the call, i heard a very familiar voice ringing in my ears. "Oi, Misaki'san you better explain, whats the meaning of this?"

"Ai'kun, Subaru'san is actually a spy from FBI, Im just helping the FBI out. As for the scent, its because he managed to get in B.O. " I said, hoping she will buy it. If she knew Okiya Subaru was Akai'san, who knows what she will do.

"Ok then. Be careful." Ai'kun said, hanging up immediately. She may not really totally believe me yet but whatever.

I posed an ok sign to them, signalling that i managed to convince Ai'kun, temporarily at least. Now its to make sure Akai'san  does not get discovered that easily in the future. We still didnt know how they got information that Subaru'san is here. First, I took out a little gadget I stole from my Mum years ago, a device that tests for listening devices. I scanned it all over the place, not managing to find anything. Conan'kun suddenly chipped in, "what if there is a spy living here?" So we walked around, looking for new 'neighbours' . Theres one of them, and had a very strong scent. My instinct tells me he is under Gin. We walked away quickly, afraid that he might pick up the our scent even though we had put on a special perfume i made, and it removes the scent. This recipe was only known between me and my siblings so others will never have even known this.

"So what do we do now, we cannot ask the FBI to catch him immediately or they will get even more suspicious of us." Akai'san said, while the rest of us thought for more ways. Not able to think of anything, we went to sleep, there's school tomorrow after all. Before going to bed, i passed a bottle of the perfume to Akai'san getting him to spray it every morning before going out. We might be able to escape suspicion tenporarily, while we think of a way to get them away for good.

Akai'san cannot live in our house forever right? So we thought of a plan.

"Are you sure this is gonna work?" Akai'san asked, dragging my suitcase i lent him outside. "Yea and now when they are not watching hurry run to your house." I said, as Akai'san quickly scrambled to his front door, pretending to open the door after a long holiday. Its time for us to shine.

"Hey! Subaru'san you are back! How's your holiday?" I asked, waving at him, with Conan following behind me. "Subaru'san you're back!" Conan said cheerfully. "Yea, but it was more on work though."  Subaru'san said, inviting us to come in. Just then, as we expected, the two "policemen" appeared. "Oh hi again! You must be the owner of this house! We haven't saw you for two weeks. We thought something happened to you." One of them said. "Oh no, I just went on a work trip, since I'm a doctor you see." Subaru'san replied. "Oh ok, we won't bother you then, thank you for your co-operation!" They said, walking away. I heaved a sigh of relief, walking into his house.

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