Chapter 1: Just your ordinary day

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"Good morning people," I mumble, shuffling into the 'pre homeroom' homeroom that a lot of my friends and I met up in. Honestly, I don't even know who from my group is in that homeroom, just that it's become routine for us to meet there before heading off to our own homerooms.

David turns to me, laughing as he takes in my appearance, wild and messy hair, skewered glasses, top button of my school shirt undone and tie hanging somewhat loosely around my neck.

"Rough morning?" He questions, his laughter becoming louder when I glare at him, raising the chai latte to my lips to take a sip.

"Shut up beanie kid, it's too early to be here." I snap, rolling my eyes slightly at him as I walk further into the classroom, standing beside Mark. That brief conversation sums up my relationship with David pretty easily. We belittle each other constantly, and call each other up on random things, but we never take what the other has said to heart. Mark glances between David and I, watching the exchange with mild interest. I meet his eye for a brief moment and he looks away.

My eyes flicker around the room as I twist the cup in my hand unconsciously, a habit I had developed over time. I watch as the teacher stands up to close the door after someone who couldn't be bothered to close it themselves, before shifting my attention to my other friends. Dave was talking rather animatedly with Shanon, probably about Supernatural knowing Dave. Kyle was sitting with Tanner talking about some game that had come out over the weekend, and Mark was talking about his recent escapades at the city casino, his go to place now that he was 18.

"Amy, we have that business SAC today don't we?" Mark asks offhandedly, bringing me rather suddenly out of my stupor.

"What?" I question, a bewildered expression crossing my face before realisation dawns on me.

"Oh, right, that. Yeah, it's today. Hopefully you know who doesn't cheat this time." I mention, referring back to that massive SAC we had that one of the other students had managed to find a way to cheat on. Mark chuckles loudly in agreement, before the sound of music fills the classroom, indicating that the start of homeroom was 5 minutes away. Immediately a large group of us leave the classroom, walking towards our own. I narrowly avoid colliding with Corey as I walk out of the door, who was walking down the hallway towards his own homeroom.

"Watch out Amy," Corey states, the only indicator of his joking manner being the small smile that his lips form. I laugh nervously as I shuffle to move out of his way.

"Sorry," I call out pointlessly to his retreating figure.

I urge myself to move forwards, walking to my own homeroom. Like usual, I set my bag on my desk and pull out my laptop bag, journal and any books from my bag I'll need for the first two periods before dashing out to my locker to grab any remaining books and folders and to put my bag away. Re-entering the classroom, I take my usual seat between Nadia and Ryder. Like usual, Nadia was working on stuff for her TAFE, and Ryder was doing some last minute homework. Just an ordinary Year 12 day.

I ease into my chair and let my thoughts wander for the 15 minutes I have in homeroom. Eventually my thoughts lead me to my countdown flashing 00:00 in my mind as it had done for the past 6 years. Talks of countdowns weren't common amongst all of us. I knew Ryder claimed that his ran out the first day of Year 7, much like mine and a few others, and while he was happily in a relationship, I knew they wouldn't last. I'd heard rumours that her countdown was still ticking.

Guys like David and Mark weren't exactly open about whether or not their countdown had expired, so I was currently basing my search off of nothing, apart from those few guys who were already in relationships, the ones I had no chances with and Ryder. That still leaves a lot of options, I swear. Of course, I had guys I hoped were the one, and I had ones I hoped weren't.

Last year I had tried to fool myself into believing that I could change my fate, find love in someone completely different, which is why at that point in time, my ex was perfect. But eventually that fell apart, and I saw that I had no choice. Either find the guy at my school or die alone.

I had heard stories of some 'mysterious' force pushing two people together who had met at in a large room, but there wasn't enough evidence to back it up, and I worked based on evidence and facts.

The bell for the beginning of first period disturbs me from my thoughts and I rush to pack up all of my items, wanting to get out of the room as fast as possible. I try to push my way down the crowded corridor, weaving between small openings and shuffling behind the taller ones.

Finally, I reach my class and dump my folders unceremoniously on to the desk, drawing a few confused looks towards me. I shrug slightly and sit down, turning to face Dave behind me.

"$5 I'll fall asleep during one of his random rants," I bet playfully, a slight smile gracing my features as Dave chuckles.

"Too easy, we'll all fall asleep. Does anyone even know what he's talking about?" Dave questions right as our Literature teacher, Mr McConnel walks in.

"Alright, open up where we left off last class in the document I sent you and read to yourselves while I mark the roll," Mr McConnel almost yells as he waddles into the classroom, weighed down by his red supermarket bag and laptop bag.

Rolling my eyes while still facing Dave, I turn around and pull out my own laptop, waiting for the slow machine to power up.

It certainly started off as just an ordinary day.

Hey guys! Would you look at that, two updates in two days. I swear the chapters will get longer, it's just while I'm establishing everything that they will be around this length. I probably won't update until the weekend, but I hope you all enjoy it!


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