Chapter 2: Invitation

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I jolted awake as I felt my head slip out of its resting spot in my hand. I look around the room briefly, wondering if anyone saw me, before turning slightly to look at Dave, a sheepish smile on my face as I notice him looking at me with a knowing smile. I shrug slightly before turning back to face my laptop screen, hoping that Mr McConnel didn't see my little 'nap'. I glance down the row and catch Nancy's disapproving glance before I look away, a frown on my face.

Nancy was Ryder's girlfriend, the one who was in the middle of the rumours that her countdown was yet to go off. To me, she was a friendship wrecker. Ryder and I were extremely close before she came into the picture, then the moment they got together our friendship became strained. I wished he could see what was happening but I couldn't tell him.

The bell rang and I stood up, collecting all of my books in my arms before talking to Dave briefly.

"Don't think I'll be giving you $5 because I fell asleep," I state before I spin on my heel, his chuckles filling my ears. I rush out of the classroom, thankful to finally be free of that class. People surrounded me from all sides as we all walked towards our lockers, random footballs being thrown around the corridor occasionally.

"Hey Amy," I heard someone call out my name behind me. I look over my shoulder, to see who would have called me, only to see the backs of everyone walking out of the corridor. Turning back around, I continue walking until I finally reach my locker, twisting the dial of my lock to enter my combination. Doing so, I feel a tap on my shoulder.

Somewhat startled, I spin around only to be face to face with Mark, rather close as well. Flustered, the both of us take a step back, myself so my back was hard against my locker and Mark further into the corridor pathway.

"What's up Mark?" I ask, folding my arms casually in front of my chest as I look up at him.

Mark runs a hand through his long hair and clears his throat before speaking.

"Well, I was just wondering, Jacob is having a party this weekend and I wanted to know if you wanted to come as well? My plus one bailed last night and I don't have anyone else to ask," He asks rapidly, adding the last sentence in to try and justify his question.

I consider it for a moment, thousands of thoughts running through my mind. What if this was fate working to push Mark and I together? What if he was just asking because he needed someone to go with him? Either way, I would need to consider it fully.

"Can I have a think about it tonight and let you know? I'm not one for parties but I'll see, I might come." I say offhandedly, trying not to show Mark how much his question affected me.

He nods, his lips forming a small smile.

"Sure, no problem. Hopefully you can."

With this, Mark turns on the spot and walks away, waving over his shoulder briefly. I watch as he walks away, taking the time for my racing heart to settle down and ease into a regular pace. Talking to guys always made me nervous, it was slowly becoming easier considering my closest friends were guys, but I still felt awkward at times.

Suddenly my eyes widen as I come to the realisation that I had nothing suitable to wear.

My best friend Alicia walks past me, a sly smile on her face.

"I saw that," She sings, a loud laugh following her statement as she notices my face. I reach forward and grab her arm, dragging her towards my locker.

"He just asked me to Jacob's party this weekend!" I whisper, my eyes wide with shock as it fully starts to register in my mind. Alicia's eyes do the same as a soft squeal escapes her, jumping up and down slightly on the spot.

"Oh my god this is amazing! He could actually be the one," She exclaims, grabbing my hands as she continues to jump. Pulling away, I quickly place a hand over her mouth, glaring at her.

"Shut up alright, don't need the whole year level hearing this," I snap as she stops jumping, mumbling against my hand. I roll my eyes and pull my hand away from her mouth, watching as she calm herself down. Suddenly she frowns as she looks me dead in the eye, placing her hands on my shoulders.

"What about Corey?" She questions raising an eyebrow. I sigh and lean back against the locker, closing my eyes for a brief moment as I consider my answer.

"Honestly I don't know, I mean I like him, but I feel like I'm developing something for Mark also," I say quietly, my shoulders dropping in a defeated manner as Alicia sighs, pulling me in for a quick hug.

"How about today we catch the bus down to the mall after school and we can going looking for an outfit? Even if you don't go, you'll still have a super cute outfit for future parties." She offers as I rest my chin on her head. She was pretty short when compared to me, though standing at 5'10" a lot of people were short to me.

I nod slightly as we pull away, before checking my pockets to make sure I still had my card holder with my bus pass in my jacket. Confirming that it was in fact there, I agree to her suggestion.

"Sure, plus we haven't had a girls day in a while so this will be a good excuse for one." I agree, praising the fact we only had 4 periods of class on a Wednesday.

She smiles and claps her hand happily, before I catch the co-ordinators looking at us pointedly from their office, a clear signal that we had to get out of the corridor.

"I'll meet you at the gates just after the bell okay?" I say as I begin to walk backwards down the corridor, my eyes still trained on her. She laughs at my actions before nodding. Not even needing to hear her verbally agree to it, I turn around and dash down the hallway, towards the downball courts.

Yes, 17 years old and I still play downball with the boys. There's a lot less drama doing that, plus they are pretty cool to hang around. David was great for banter, Dave was always talking about TV shows so he was pretty good for recommendations and the others were just funny overall.

I take my spot in the line, watching how fast some of the boys whack the ball to the other end of the court. I was brought to full attention but Shanon and David bickering like usual.

"How am I out?" Shanon questions, waving his arms about.

"You clearly upballed it," David replies, pointing to where the ball had first bounced.

"No it didn't, it bounced in my square first."

"Get out!"


The back and forth bickering makes me laugh and soon thoughts of the invitation escape my mind.

Hey guys,

So chapter 3 huh? I'm actually regular with this, surprisingly. Downball is 4 squares just so you all know, but it's played in this story as 6 squares (much better version). Hope everyone likes this chapter, stuff will happen soon I swear. Any suggestions feel free to let me know, otherwise feel free to vote.


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