Chapter 5: Need a lift?

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Friday came and the hallway was almost alive with electricity. Everyone was excited for Jacob's party that night, it was rumoured to be the biggest of the year.

I was a nervous wreck. Sure, I'd been to parties before, but never ones like these, on such a large scale.

Mark and I had barely spoken since the incident on Wednesday, and that only contributed to my nervousness. I wasn't sure if I was going to have to find my own way there, or whether he was coming to get me. I was new to all this.

"Are you excited?" Alicia almost yells in my ear, her head suddenly appearing beside me. I move away from her quickly, my heart rate increasing drastically in fear.

"Damn it Alicia, haven't I told you not to sneak up on me like that?" I exclaim, placing a hand over my rapidly beating heart, waiting for it to slow down.

Alicia laughs at my reaction, people in the hallway sending her weird looks as it gradually grows louder. I frown as she laughs at my expense.

"I'm sorry Amy, I just had to. It was too hard to resist." She laughs, wiping a fake tear from her eye as she straightens up, her laughter decreasing until she finally stops. I roll my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest.

"To answer your questions, no I'm not excited." I lie, watching gleefully as the smiles drops immediately off of Alicia's face. A frown crosses over her own face before she her eyes widen, her gaze directed over my shoulder.

I raise an eyebrow and turn around to see what she's looking at, only to find myself chest to chest with Mark. He chuckles deeply as I take a step backwards awkwardly.

"We need to stop meeting like this." Mark remarks, remaining me of what happened Wednesday morning. A bright red blush slowly appears on my cheeks and I could feel it heating up my entire face.

"Sorry." I stutter in apology, stepping further away from him. Mark raises an eye but doesn't make any comment.

"So with tonight - " Mark begins to say before I cut him off unceremoniously.

"I can get a lift from my parents and meet you there?" I offer, not wanting to be a burden to him to pick me up.

"I was actually going to ask what time you wanted me to pick you up. I'm not drinking tonight because I've got work early in the morning so I'm alright to drive." As he says this he shoves his hands into his jacket pockets, his eyes looking anywhere but at me. For some that was a sign of nervousness, but in all honesty I wasn't able to read Mark very well yet.

My eyes widen slightly at his offer, my blush heating up if that was even possible.

"S-sure I guess, I'll just have to check with my parents." I tell him, before feeling Alicia elbow me in the side. I let out a quiet yelp, rubbing the spot where she had jabbed me and turning my head to glare at her. She smiles innocently before turning to Mark.

"Her parents will be fine with it. She'll be ready by seven." Alicia informs on my behalf as I stand there, gaping at her in shock.

Mark nods once before turning and walking away. I watch as he walks away before turning sharply to Alicia.

"Why did you say that?" I question, crossing my arms tightly over my chest as I raise an eyebrow impatiently at her.

She frowns at my reaction, raising her hands in defence.

"You weren't going to do it so I had no choice but to step in." She defends and I roll my eyes.

"That's not reason enough to squeeze yourself into the conversation and answer for me." I snap, tugging on the ends of my hair in frustration.

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