
48 4 0

Date: January 30th 2013
Countdown: 1 hour and 37 minutes remaining

The sound of persistent ringing sounds from her alarm clock as young Amy Wilson is roused from her fitful slumber. She could barely sleep, the thought of what was to happen the following day shrouding her mind, causing her to be unable to close her eyes and try to get a somewhat substantial sleep. Amy quickly pressed a hand against the still ringing clock, silencing it immediately before slowly sitting up and on to the edge of her bed.

She lets out a yawn, stretching her arms high above her head as she does so and feeling the satisfying pop in her back. She stands up and shuffles towards her wardrobe, still in a somewhat sleepy manner, before opening the door and grabbing out her new school uniform. A smile graces her features, her large front teeth almost poking out over her bottom lip. Today was the start of a new era.

"Amy hurry up, we don't wanna be late on your first day," Amy hears her mum call from the kitchen, startling her out of her sleepy state. Amy rushes towards the bathroom, having a quick 10 minute shower, long enough to wash her face, hair and body, before climbing out and drying off. She inspects the uniform before putting it on, ensuring there are no creases in the dress. Not that she would iron them out herself anyway. She pulls on her long white sock and black leather shoes, grimacing slightly at how tight they were. Guaranteed blisters by the end of the day.

The smell of pancakes wafts through the air as the Year 7 rushes into the kitchen, sniffing the air almost like a puppy. It wasn't often her mum made pancakes, so it was obvious today was a special day. She was surprised to see that her younger sister wasn't up, but it was still school holidays for her and it was a Friday, for some reason the new Year 7's started on a Friday. Amy's eyes light up with glee as her mum sets down a plate of pancakes in front of her, a cup of chocolate milk already prepared.

"Make sure you eat quick Amy, we still have to take photos and you haven't packed your bag yet," her mum reminds her as Amy nods, quickly stuffing the pancakes into her mouth before drinking the milk in one go. Amy was far from lady like. She puts her dishes in the sink before rushing around the house, packing her bag.

Finally, after her bag is packed and her mum has taken who knows how many photos, she is off to start her first day of high school. Her mum pulls into the school grounds and wishes Amy goodbye and a good day as the excited 12 year old rushes out of the car and towards the meeting building. Inside her, Amy can heard a soft ticking gradually becoming louder as she approaches the door.

She finally arrives, yanking the door open. As she does, looking around at all the other Year 7 students milling around, a loud ringing sound goes off in her head, inaudible to anybody but her. A frown crosses her features, confused, before realisation dawns on her.

Her soulmate is here.

Hi all! So, I'm back? I felt that I needed to do something to get my mind off of Year 12 this year and I thought this might be the best way possible. Updates will probably be once a week or so, depending on how school is going. It's Australian based, so sorry everyone else reading that might be a little confused with the age and high school. Let me know if this is something that I should continue or if I should stop now. Comment or vote, either or both is fine.

As usual,

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