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Scarlett's POV
My best friend of over 2 years is dead. We had so much fun together. I remember how she would always insist on meeting at Starbucks. Then she would make me start a storm with my powers.
She had so much more to discover in life. Her and Scott had only just mated. They were perfect for each other. She had received the position of beta female and was highly respected. Who knows, maybe she would have wanted a pup. Or 3. She hadn't even had the chance to celebrate Christmas, or her birthday with her mate.
Now, that rogue pulled a beautiful young wolf away from life. He killed her and took her away. From her mate, from her sister, from me.
Chelsea was there for me when my family wasn't. When my mate, the person who should always be there for you, wasn't.
She was a sister to me. She is a sister to me. And nothing will ever make me forget her.
Her beautiful smile replays in my head. Her voice and her laughing. This is my best friend.
But all I can see is a young girl. In need of saving. Dead on the floor.
Her face is pale and her eyes are dull. However, there are the lines down her face where the tears have been. The lines weave their way through her dry blood.
My head is blank. My body is numb. My best friend is dead.
I couldn't stand anymore. My knees are weak.

Cole's POV
I watched in horror as the rogue killed Chelsea. Scott had killed the rogue and was now by Chelsea's side. Shaking her lifeless body. Screaming in agony.
'Wake up Chels. Please, don't leave me. PLEASE , I .... I beg you. I need you Chelsea.' He pressed a soft kiss on her forehead and screamed. His scream quickly turn into a whisper.
'I love you Chelsea Olives. You're my one and only.'
With that he placed his head on her chest and just cried. I have never seen a man so broken in my life.
In the corner of my eye I saw Scarlett. That's got to be horrible. Her best friend killed before her own eyes. I fully turned to her. There were tears in her eyes but none had fallen. She just stood there. Not moving an inch.
Then a tear fell. It rolled down her cheek and dropped onto the floor. Many more tears followed. She began to blink and then sniffle.
She slumped to the floor. As soon as her hands hit the floor she howled. There was so much pain in that one howl, more pain then I had seen before. The whole pack, including myself, howled. All the rogues stopped fighting.
Then she growled. It was so powerful every single wolf had their heads bowed and were on one knee.
She slowly stumbled up. Her knees still weak.
Her eyes began to glow. They were luminous blue.
'YOU KILLED HER! MY BEST FRIEND! AND FOR THAT, YOU ALL SHALL PAY!' Her voice was so strong. It didn't even sound like Scarlett.
She opened her hands and all hell broke loose.
Thunderstorms filled the once clear sky. Sending bolts of lighting at the ground.
Rogues began to foam at the mouth. Their body's shaking uncontrollably.
Others had shifted into human form and were pulling on their hair.
With one last scream she fell to the floor again. And every rogue was dead.
All of them had open eyes which were spilling with blood. The mouths were white with foam and their ears had a black liquid drizzling out of them.
I noticed that one rogue had still survived. So had Scarlett.
'YOU. YOU ARE THE ONE BEHIND THE THREATS. BEHIND THE ATTACK. BEHIND HER DEATH!' She pointed at Chelsea. Her hand shaking slightly.
The last rogue was a big black wolf. Who shifted into his human form. He too had blood coming from his eyes and that black liquid in his ears.
He merely laughed. It was such a cold laugh, it sent a shiver down my spine.
'So, it's true. You really do posses such strong powers. Guess they aren't strong enough to kill me.' The rogue's voice held pride.
'Oh please, I'm saving the best for last.'
Scarlett had a slight smirk on her face. I watched as she twisted her hand.
'How does it feel? To have your blood boil?' The rogue crouched on the floor. Coughing up blood. But before he could collapse. Scarlett stopped.
She walked towards him and elongated her claws. She ran hair claws down his chest. Leaving a deep cut. Then she plunged her hand through his rib cage. Grabbing his heart.
'You need to learn who you're messing with.' She whispered in his ear.
Just as he was about to beg for his life Scarlett pulled out his heart. Holding it in her hand. She raised it above her head and ignited it. The fire burnt the heart but not Scarlett.

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