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Cole's POV
The bell rang and Jenna decided to shift first. Her clothes tore into shreds as she shifted into her fawn coloured wolf. She was moderately big for a female wolf and very strong.
'My turn mutt.' Scarlett giggled slightly. I have never seen Scarlett's wolf.  In fact, I don't think she had shifted when she was my mate.
Scarlett looked around her and smirked. Her clothes began to rip and just like that she had shifted. The pack was filled with shock and gasps were the only noise that was heard.
I don't understand. She's a white wolf.  Her coat was silky and soft. She had a toothy grin as she looked and Jenna. Jenna towered over Scarlett and she let out a menacing growl.
Scarlett growled back. There was so much power in her growl it made the whole pack. Even Jenna and Scott submit. I stood strong, knowing she was the Luna I wanted.
Jenna quickly got to her feet and pounced at Scarlett.
With a swift dodge Scarlett bit into Jenna's hind leg.
Jenna released a pain filled howl and sunk her teeth into Scarlett's shoulder.
After a small whimper, Jenna pinned Scarlett to the floor.
Through mindlink you could hear Scarlett. 'Big mistake mutt.'
Everyone's eyes were on The fighting girls.
Scarlett brought her back legs into her stomach and used all her force to push Jenna back. She landed with a thud. She shook her head slightly due to the impact with dusty ground.
Jenna stood up but was quickly lowered to the ground by Scarlett's body. She bared her teeth and went to sink them into Jenna's neck.
'Submit, Jenna. Before I kill you.'
'Never!' Jenna growled out.
'Well, don't say I didn't warn you.'
With that Scarlett's teeth latched onto Jenna's neck. She shook her head vigorously until Jenna body stopped shaking. She was dead. The wolf that I had marked. The girl that over the past 2 years I had begun to love. I know Scarlett will always be my rightful mate and I will always love her more. But I couldn't help but feel pained by Jenna's death. She was there for me when no-one else was. I owed her so much. Yet I let Scarlett murder her right before my own two eyes.
The bell rang one last time. The whole pack was in shock and bowed towards their new Luna.
'Everyone, this is your new Luna. Respect her.  And Danny can you please remove and bury Jenna's body.' I  used my Alpha voice. And a small brunette boy ran forwards and nodded.
I removed my shirt and handed it too Scarlett. She picked the t-shirt up in her mouth and plodded behind a tree to shift.
She reappeared wearing only my t-shirt which came down to mid thigh. She looked adorable, but my attention was drawn to her left shoulder. There were a few puncture marks which where oozing blood, luckily it had already started to heal.
The whole pack still had their heads bowed and some of the omegas where kneeling on the floor.
'Please, stand.' With that they all stood.
'You may leave.' I said. The pack nodded and dispersed. I walked towards Scarlett and pulled her into my arms. Taking in a deep breath of her scent.
'Let's go inside Cole. We need to talk.' She nodded and we walked towards my office. As soon as we got in she began to laugh.
'What...what happened to you desk?'
She was holding her stomach and hunched over.
I sent her a small smile, 'Jenna was driving me mad and so was Chelsea.'
She had straightened up once I finished explaining and her hands cupped my face.
'I really am sorry about what I did to Jenna. I...I...I couldn't stop myself.'
I looked at her face as a single tear fell. I hadn't cried in years. And to cry in the arms of my mate. It was so calming.
'Please Scarlett. Forgive me.' I pleaded.
Her lips collided with mine in an explosion of want and love.
She pulled away and gave me a hug.
'I forgive you. But, ever treat anyone like that again and I will show you just what I can do.' Her eyes showed no humour. She was deadly serious and I gulped.
'Let's go to bed' I said.
She looked at me and shook her head.
'No, it smells of Jenna and still has her stuff in it. I will sleep in the spare room. Good night Cole.' She skipped out of my office and down the corridor.
Once she was gone my knees began to shake. I plopped down in my chair and just sighed.
My mind was all over the place. Should I mourn the loss of Jenna? Or celebrate Scarlett being mine again?
I am so sorry Jenna but my heart belongs to Scarlett. I took the picture of myself and Jenna out of my wallet and threw it into the bin. I really thought I loved you Jenna. Guess I was wrong.

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