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Scarlett's POV
I slammed the door behind me as I stalked into the guest room.
Who the hell does that dog think she is? I AM LUNA.
My wolf fought for control. She growled and pushed. Trying to gain control.
I walked into the adjoining bathroom. Turned on the tap, and splashed the cold water on my face.
I pushed my wolf down and my eyes drifted up to the mirror. I looked directly at my eyes. They were turning a luminous blue and power surged through me.
Control. Control. Keep calm Scarlett and control it.
After what seemed like forever. I let go of the sink and dried my face. I had finally gained control.
I slipped out of my clothes and clambered into the shower. I knew that I smelt of old, wet dog and blood. I let the hot water relax my muscles and and wash the dried blood and dirt from my skin. After I had removed all that muck of myself I looked for injuries. Not a single cut insight. And considering I was badly beaten, I had healed quickly.
I lathered the shampoo on the side in my hair. It smelt of freshly cut grass. Then scrubbed it all over my body. Even though it was shampoo, there was no body wash.
I wrapped my clean body in a fluffy towel and braided my hair.
After drying off, I rummaged through the draws to find some clothes. There was a large t-shirt and some boxers. I made a risky move and smelt the boxers. Luckily there were clean. I could've easily regret that.
Slipping them on and then flopping on the bed was the best feeling ever. After snuggling down I let sleep consume me. For once I didn't dream, not a single nightmare.
What the... who is waking me up. I rolled out of bed and sauntered over to the door. I swung it open and sent the person my best glare.
There, standing in only some joggers was Cole. He looked me up and down and his eyes began to darken.
That's when I felt it. For the first time in over a year. The bond was back. The bond twisted and screamed for me to touch him. For me to run my hands through his soft, silky hair.
An annoyed cough pulled me out of my thoughts. My eyes snapped to the so called Luna.
'What are you wearing' she snapped.
I glared at her. 'Ummm. I don't really know. That's all that was in the draws.'
I saw Cole stiffen and take a deep breath. He growled lowly.
'Take it off. NOW!'
I shook my head, no way is he going to control me.
'Why do you care babe?' Jenna sickly voice hung around me like a foul smell that I couldn't get rid of.
Cole glared at her and shrugged.
'What else can I wear? My clothes have been torn to shreds'
I was well aware that the shirt I was wearing only came down to mid thigh.
I spun on my heel and walked into the room. I put on my bra which was in good condition.
I opened the door and smirked. Oh this plan was evil. My fingers twirled the hem of my shirt as I lifted it over my head. I threw the shirt straight at Cole and giggled.
'What the hell. How desperate are you?' Jenna screeched.
'Ohh babe. I have no one to impress. After all, I could snap you like a twig!'
Chelsea squeezed past Cole and Jenna and squeeze me in a death hug.
'SCARLETT. I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!' I felt my shoulder become damp. My hand rubbed soothing circles on her back.
She pulled back and looked at me then laughed.
'Where are you clothes?'
'Umm. Would you be able to get me some clothes?' I asked. And she smirked, oh she wasn't. She bowed her head.
Yes, she was.
'Ok Luna. It would be an honour' she sent me a quick wink and skipped down the corridor.
A turned to see a smiling Cole and a furious Jenna. Now I was feeling awkward.
'Ok. Well it was nice talking to you. Bye!'
I slipped through the door and closed it carefully.
Chelsea didn't take too long to find an outfit. She had brought me a tight fitted red top. With some dark washed skinny jeans and some diamond studded boots.
After I got dressed I headed downstairs to meet Chelsea.
She sat at the table with a cup of coffee at hand. As always. She smiled at me and pulled me into the seat next to her.
'I've found my mate.' Her voice held so much excitement.
'Really? Who?' I rushed out.
'Me' I knew who that was. I spun around to see beta Scott propped up against the door frame.
He walked up to Chelsea and embraced her. Planting a soft kiss on the top of her head.
They were so cute. Scott pulled away and smiled at her. Suddenly they both tensed.
I turned around to see that Cole and Jenna had entered the kitchen.
'What's wrong?' The question was directed at Chelsea but Scott answered.
'He hurt Chelsea and rejected you. We haven't properly spoken since you left.' A small smile appeared on his face.

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