Hold on

15 1 0

Scarlett's POV
I was woken up by the shouts and screams through the mindlink.
What is going on?
'Help, rogues, everywhere. Ahhh!' One wolf yelled. I ran out of bed and quickly got dressed. I had some legging and a tank top on. My hair was in a tight pony and I was wearing my Nike trainers.
I ran out of the pack house and I got to the pack gardens. My eyes fell upon the horror before me.
I could see wolves fighting everywhere. Some in wolf form. Some in human form. My heart ached to see the dead bodies on the floor. My eyes scanned the wolves to find Cole.
'Cole what shall I do?' I asked through mindlink.
'Get the kids to the underground bunker. Not the women unless they are pregnant or unable to fight. We need all the wolves we have right now.' I acted quickly. Gathering all the pups and elders. Along with a few pregnant wolves. Chelsea helped me and we managed to get them all in the bunker. I looked at Chelsea, 'I am going up there to fight.' She nodded and told me she would join me.
I turned to all the wolves and pups in the bunker. 'I need you all to stay calm and protect each other. Everyone is inside. So don't open that door unless myself or Alpha Cole says so.' I used my Luna voice and they all bowed their heads. Chelsea and myself ran out of the bunker and towards all the fighting.
The first rogue that came towards us was small and scrawny. I grabbed hold of its scruff and threw it into the tree. Then Chelsea extend her claws and ran towards him. She pushed her hand into his chest. Grabbing the black heart of the rogue and pulling it out. She dropped it on the floor and looked at me. I nodded and we went our separate ways. I decide against shifting since I have been trained outside of my wolf form.
Wolves ran towards each other.  Teeth bared. Growl, with drool dripping from their mouths.
I ran towards a pair of fighting wolves and pulled the rogue back. He growled and me so I growled back. The pack wolf I helped stood next to me in his wolf form.
I sent a kick straight to the wolves head and his body fell to the floor. He was still conscious until the pack wolf sunk his canines into his throat.  Then he was dead.
The pack wolf bowed his head and ran off to fight some more.
The fight was getting to intense and we didn't seem to be making any progress.  I ran towards Cole who was in his wolf form.
'There's too many. What shall we do?' I asked. He replied through mindlink almost immediately. 'We have to keep fighting. That's the only thing we can do. Are the pups safe?' I nodded and he nodded back.
A rather large rogue made his way towards us. Cole leaped up and dragged his claws down the rogues back. He whimpered in pain but quickly recovered.
'Hold on a minute. I have to kill this mutt. But I have a plan!' He yelled whilst the rogue lurched forwards.
This allows Cole to push him to the floor.
Using all of his body weight. Cole snapped his neck. He was dead in seconds.
'The plan. We have to group together and fight in lines. We have practiced this a few times and it should work.'
I liked this plan.
'GATHER UP. CIRCLE AND FIGHT!' I yelled. Every pack wolf obeyed and we all stood in a circle. The first line of wolves attacked. There was one life lost in that battle. Then they retreated. The second line of wolves attacked. A few more lives were lost. As the lines attacked it grew nearer to the last two. The last two lines were for the highest ranking and best fighters.
Chelsea was in the second to last line whilst I was in the last.
Cole and Scott were also in the last line and they were ready to fight. 
I watched as the second to last line ran forwards. Chelsea ran straight towards a big black wolf. Her teeth bared and claws out. She growled and went in for the attack.
She was winning. She had left a massive gash down the wolves stomach and a few on his face.
But I never saw this coming. The wolf spun her over and he was on top.
He growled and smirked at her. I felt my heart drop.
Beta Scott growled and pushed forwards. But he wasn't quick enough.
I watched as the foul rogue sunk his teeth into Chelsea's neck. Her head fell to the side and her eyes met mine. I watched as a few tears fell from her eyes.
'Kill them all.' She mouthed to me.
'I love you.' She mouthed to me and Scott. We both mouthed it back and her body fell limp.

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