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Scarlett's POV
Luna. Once again I have been given my position back. Unfortunately I had to kill Jenna. I don't know why. But my wolf made me. She was in a deep rage. Needing nothing but Jenna's blood. Then last night she made me kiss Cole.
I mean. What the hell is wrong with her? I have been staying away from Cole for a reason. Although last night I swear he was crying.
I was unable to sleep due to the overwhelming guilt. Not guilt for killing Jenna. Guilt for hurting my mate.
The bond was brought back to life a few days ago and ever since it has tugged and thrashed around, trying to get to my mate.
I flattened the creases of my black dress. It stopped just before my knee and flowed out at the waist. It was truly beautiful. I must thank Chelsea when I see her.
After doing my hair and makeup, slipping on my heels and necklace I left my room. I have no idea how the pack will react to me during the funeral. I know they will all be sad seeing as I killed their Luna of 2 years.
Even though I am the rightful Luna. She has reigned longer. And from what Chelsea has said, she was able to keep Cole on the brink of sanity.
I pushed the double doors leading towards the pack garden open. All eyes snapped towards me. Then they all returned to the coffin. I walked over to the pack priest and Cole. He was dressed in a black suit, with a black tie. I could tell he didn't sleep well last night due to the dark circles under his eyes.
I reached out and gave his arm a small squeeze. Man, I feel really bad now. I shouldn't have killed her.
I must admit, whilst the priest was talking I couldn't help but stare at everyone. I had noticed a few of the higher ranked wolves were standing with their heads held high. Not a single one was crying. Whereas, almost all of the omegas had tears either in their eyes or running down their faces. One little girl was crying so hard she began to hiccup.
I did this. As their Luna I should NEVER hurt them. Yet they are all suffering because of me. It will take a lot of hard work, but I will make it up to them.
After Jenna's coffin was laid in the ground and buried, the entire pack went under the marquees that had been set up. Most of them mourning or crying. Some just talking. Whilst the members who obviously didn't like Jenna picked food from the buffet.
Once everyone was sat in their seats Cole made his speech.
'I am so glad that you all could make it to Jenna's funeral. This is what she would've wanted. Jenna saved this pack, she saved me. And we owe her so much more than we can give her. However, she wasn't the rightful Luna, so when she accepted the challenge against Luna Scarlett, she had accepted the possibility of death. Now everyone please stand and raise a glass to Jenna'
With that the whole pack stood up.
'TO JENNA!' Which was quickly followed by the clinking of glasses.
Cole's eyes found mine and with a small smile, I stood up.
'Attention everyone. I know I have made some mistakes. Some mistakes which have cost more lives than I would wish. At first, I was unable to protect my unborn pup. After leaving the pack I had learnt how to shift and fight. This was evident in my challenge with Jenna. I promise you, I will make no more mistakes. Lives may be lost, they always are. But I will be there to prevent their deaths. And if I am too late, then I will, as Luna, hold them tight as they die. I am truly sorry for all of your loss, and for the pain I have brought this pack.'
I nodded my head and sat down. I would never expect them to forgive me. But over time, the pain will get less. It won't vanish but it will begin to numb. I just hope I can keep my promise. I want to, I need to, be there for my pack.

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