There it was. Through ultimate guilt, Bianca confessed to what she and Pete did weeks ago. I refused to cry, but I was starting to and my breathing was becoming rapid, too. I was speechless, though, more than anything else. I can't react while being so damn numb.

Finally, I reopened my eyes and slowly turned towards Pete. "Is it true?" I wanted to hear him say it, to spit it back in my face.

Almost like this was an innocent and casual conversation, he shrugged, like only he would do. And, so I pressed for more: "How could you?! You were supposed to be marrying me, not screwing my best friend behind my back! You had CHANGED... Or, was it always a lie?"

Again, Pete shrugged and didn't care to answer, and I was — at this point — absolutely sick to my stomach and I almost felt like I was slowly dying on the inside, even if I was showing anger on the outside.

Bianca entered the fold once more, who can't stop crying uncontrollably. "I-I'm sorry, Nik," Bianca is crying to me now. "I didn't mean to. I'm so sorry. It was an accident and it just... happened. We were both drunk and stupid. I'm so sorry."

I didn't want to hear it and, before I knew it, I heard the door open more. I glanced over to the door and seen that Trevor was now walking in with both Johnny and Candice behind him.

Trevor was smiling, for whatever reason, until he seen and heard Bianca crying, so he asked: "What the hell is going on? B?"

I simply turned only my head to look at him and my eyes were perfectly swollen, but from not crying yet. For whatever reason, I was very still and calm for the situation.

I gulped and said to Trevor: "Ask your girlfriend and my fiancé."

Trevor now has his eyes directly on Bianca for answers and he is now holding her up, and Bianca managed to say: "I'm so sorry, Trev... You're the love of my life and I can't live without you in my life. I... I made a mistake. A stupid fucking mistake. Trev, I'm so sorry!"

Trevor, who began to look around the room to both Pete and myself, before looking at Bianca again. "What the hell is going on here? Just tell me what you did."

I felt Johnny and Candice's eyes on me, who were almost too afraid to move. They walked in, not knowing what the hell was going on. I don't blame them for being so quiet and still.

Finally, one breath later, Bianca looked deep into Trev's eyes and confessed: "I... I slept with Pete while y'all were in Philly. It was a mistake. I'm so sorry."

Trevor, much like myself, was now numb and speechless after the first confession. At this point, Johnny and Candice are now starting to move about the room. They came up behind me and try to comfort me, especially Candice, who was supporting me by rubbing her shoulders.

"Trev?" Bianca breathed out. "Please talk to me here. I..."

At this point, Trev was slowly backing up and trying to unattached himself from her, but she wasn't easily letting go, either. Finally, Trev just had to lightly push her off of him until he was officially born undone from her.

"Trevor, no," Bianca practically exclaimed once Trev was shaking his head and backing up to leave the room. "I love you! Please don't leave me!"

I didn't think he was going to talk, but when he did, I felt that. "Y'know, Bianca," Trev finally found the words to say, using his left index finger to make his point. "You don't cheat on people that you apparently 'love,' so don't mix that up with lust that you felt towards Pete. I'm done."

"NO!" Bianca was now full-fledge screaming, falling down to the floor so dramatically, and crying in a ball of emotion. "I love you!"

Trevor had nothing else to say as he stormed out of the room and, with a knowing look to both myself and Candice, Johnny dipped out with him — probably to run and check on him, to make sure that he won't do anything crazy.

I slowly turned towards Bianca's broken down body and asked: "You love him like you supposedly loved me?" Then, for the next part, I looked right at Pete with a hard glare. "Real funny how 'love' works nowadays, huh? Since, y'know, I never cheated on you — not even with Tommaso."

I am now ready to leave and I start to until Pete took a few steps towards me and claimed: "Hey, I do love you! It was a mistake."

"Just like the other women before me were a 'mistake'?" I asked him with blurry vision now that I was letting the tears cloud up in my eyes. "Bullshit."

Again, when I went to turn away with Candice, who is helping me leave, too, Pete reached out and spun me back around. Immediately, I used my right hand to slap him right across the face.

He held his cheek, clearly soar and red from what I just did, and I added: "Don't you ever contact me again. I don't even want to ever see your face again."

With that said, Candice wrapped her arms around me and we leave together, leaving Bianca broken on the floor and Pete in pain from that slap of justice that he just received.

As soon as we were out of the room, I nearly fell to the ground and Candice had to catch me. "C'mon, sweetie," she whispered in my ear, rubbing my shoulders. I was starting to cry and I knew that it really hurt her to see me like this, because it is like that when vise versa. "Come stay with me and Johnny for tonight."

Somehow, she helped me up and had to hold me up from falling apart right there in front of her. The rest of the night was a blur, for the most part, because my vision was always blurry from all the crying and screaming. I locked myself in their guest room and they knew just to leave me alone and, so, they did.


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