As you stir your drink, two raven-haired twins, both in slightly skimpy clothes, make their way from a group of drunken guests towards Yang. The Malachite twins. Strippers/bodyguards for sale.

This is was going to escalate pretty quickly.

You, by all accounts and means, finally appear from the background, drawing far more attention than you intended to. The twin in the white dress sizes you up, before getting in a combat stance and reading her leg-mounted blades.

You hold up your hands, and spin a full circle.

You: I'm just saying. I probably shouldn't be involved in this but...

You draw a bayonette-sized blade, not putting down your strawberry sunrise.

You: As you wish.

She raises an eyebrow and immediately swings for your throat. You take a single step back, dodging the strike.

You sip from your strawberry sunrise.

You: What the fuck? This isn't proper vodka.

Your opponent lunges for your stomach, but you knock the blade aside.

You look back at the bottle and see 'white rum'.

You: Fucking knew it. Stupid capitalists. (A/N: For those who get the theme here, you're a hero)

You sip anyway.

Melanie now goes for your left side. You meet her blade for blade. She immediately swings again with her other leg. You sidestep, giving yourself more room to maneuvre.

You sip again.

Melanie pulls out a pistol and sends her whole clip towards your head.

You deflect the bullets with your short sword.

You finally empty your glass and put it down on the counter.

Melanie: You're pretty good.

You: I get that a lot. Besides... your sister is kinda...

She looks around to be met with the sight of her sister, nursing numerous bruises and a few burns.

You pull out your (slightly) bulgy wallet, and put down a little lien on the counter by way of payment.

You're honestly surprised the girls haven't completely emptied it yet.

Melanie stares at your wallet for a moment before she walks over to her sister.

You mix up a pina colada and slide it over to Yang, who had a few minor cuts.

Yang: Cheers, bar boy.

You frown before the Malachite twins get your attention.

MT: Can you come with us?

You hesitate before climbing over the counter and following them to the back alley.

After you step out into the chilly night air, they begin asking questions.

Miltia: How would you feel about working here?

You: I don't really know. I'm not strapped for cash or anything like that.

Melanie whispers something to her sister, and Militia begins looking at you with a new look in her eyes. Desire.

Melanie: Do you have a girlfriend? I mean, of course someone like you would...

You: Well... it's a tough topic. I have several.

The twins' eyes widen.

MT: They share?

You nod, somewhat guiltily.

Militia: So... would you mind if we joined in?

They surround you and take one arm each.

Being used to things like this, you barely even blush.

You: I'll go have a talk with Yang... you guys wait out here.

This was going to be rough.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Y/N replacing Yang's Ember Celica with a toy replica...

(Hey, that rhymes!)

3rd Person PoV

Y/N steps outside, his heart a little heavy.

Melanie: What's the verdict?

Y/N: Yang... said yes and that she'd explain to the other girls.

The twins squeal in excitement, slightly out of character. They take turns kissing Y/N on the lips.

MT: We'll be expecting more of that later~

The two head back inside, faces red.

Y/N soon follows suit.


Y/N and Yang continued with their night of (close to) debauchery, both consuming numerous drinks.

Yang was quite tipsy, but Y/N seemed like he never even drank in the first place.

That was, until a certain other blonde showed up in the doorway.


Yang immediately seemed more sober, realizing the situation she was in.

Glynda: Y/N L/N and Yang Xiao Long. First day on the weekend and this is what you do? You're coming back with me.

The two unwillingly stand up and head back to Beacon.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Y/N picking locks on safes...

Glynda's Office

Glynda: Ms. Xiao Long. You've been participating in underage drinking. As a student of Beacon, you should not be doing things like these.

As the lecture continued, both Yang and Y/N sat there, bored. They responded occassionally, not paying attention, but pretending to be.

Goodwitch dismisses Yang, and stares into the soul of Y/N.

Glynda: Now. Young man, I'll need you to come with me.

As she said this, Goodwitch's cheeks flushed.

Y/N's PoV

I follow Glynda down the corridor.

I really don't know if I want this to happen or not.

She takes me to a vacated classroom, and sits me down. She leans over me, showing off her cleavage, intentionally or otherwise.

Glynda: Now, do you know why you are here?

I slowly shake my head.

Glynda just nods.

Glynda: C-close your eyes.

I do as she says, and wait.

Slowly, but surely, she plants her lips onto mine.

Great. Now that she's gone and done it, I don't know what to do.

I sink into the kiss slowly, and we separate, Goodwitch's face as red as a tomato.



I'm adding another milf soon.

Keep an eye out.

I'll also be updating my Watch Dogs story next, and I'll start up my R6.

Peace, my lovely readers.

Penance (RWBY x Abused Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now