Chapter 30

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I scaled over the cavern with ease, reaching the top and the outskirts of Trost. The soft breeze blew through my short locks, blowing droplets of blood behind. I kept racing down the hills, my mind set on one place. 

I've got to find him. 

I've got to find Levi. 

The moon turned to a high sun, not once did I stop moving. I stumbled through the streets, looking for anyone or someone in the Survey Corps. Strangely, no one was seen in my regiment. Just when my visibility was at its worst, it began to rain. Large drops pelted my forehead as I stumbled through the plains and towards home base. After what seemed like an eternity, I finally spotted the green cloaks. 

I broke into a dead sprint, despite being barefoot, running towards the cloaked group. As I edged closer and closer I saw what they were actually doing. There was a large wooden box with my lieutenant emblem removed from my jacket laying on top of the box. The box, was on fire. 

It was my own funeral. 

"Levi, stop!" I heard Hanji cry out as I edged closer through the heavy raindrops. 

"Let go of me!" he struggled and shouted. "There's no way she's gone!" I heard a swift shove and a patter of boots on mud followed by a large gripping sound. 

"Captain," Mikasa muttered. "She's not-"

"SHE'S ALIVE!" Levi yelled. 

"Stop!" Mikasa rivaled his own yell. "She's dead! She's never coming back!" I watched as the man I loved collapsed to the ground on his knees, face in his hands. He raised his right fist only to punch the mud and let out a cry that sounded like a wounded animal. My feet felt like they were bolted to the ground. I couldn't do anything but watch as my own coffin burned and as Levi angrily shouted before it. 

Slowly but surely, the rain pelted away at the flames, leaving a burnt and blackened wooden box. I watched as some of the soldiers placed a white lily on my coffin before stepping away and back inside. Some placed their flower but stayed behind, only leaving Levi to put his flower on. 

He stood, raising a shaking hand right above the coffin, hand clutching the lily. Just as he was about to drop it, his gaze raised and for a moment we locked eyes. I looked like a mess, ripped clothes covered in soot and blood, and messily cut short hair that laid limply from the rain. 

I forgot about everything around me in that moment and fell into a dead sprint, completely ignoring the rocks and stones puncturing my feet. Levi dropped the lily and walked a few steps forward, removing his hood to get a better look. The rest of the group looked in my direction as well. I ran and captured him in a embrace that took him completely by surprise. We stood like that for god knows how long before he slowly but surely put his hands on my waist, as if to see if I was really real. 

"It's me," I whispered. His right left to my head, grasping at my short locks as if for dear life. 

"Nanami..." he whispered back shakily.  I pulled away for him just so he could see it was really me. 

"I'm back," I said, wiping the little bit of blood that smeared on his face from my own various cuts. He gripped my hand on his face, caressing it to see if it was real or not. It was only when Mikasa let out a gasp when he finally saw that I truly was alive and in front of him. And just like that, wet, bloody, and dirty me was captured by Levi's kiss. 

"Hey sis?"

"What is it?"

"I love you." 

"Nanami," he breathed out, leaning his forehead against mine. 

"I love you."

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