Chapter 4

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Two weeks seemed to pass quickly and soon it was the day of the expedition. We were all suited up in the 3DM gear and on our horses, ready for action. We were all lined up at the gate beyond Shiganshina and three kids caught my eye. A brunette boy, a blonde boy, and a black haired girl. The two boys were pointing and talking to each other with wide smiles on their faces. The black haired girl was wearing a red scarf that covered a large portion of her face. I saw her tugging on the sleeve of the brunette boy's shirt and pointed in my direction. They all turned to look at me and the boy's smile grew even wider. I guess they noticed me looking at them so I gave them a friendly wave and the two boys waved back. The girl didn't wave, but her eyes were sparkling. While I was waving at these kids, I heard Erwin yelling to begin the expedition and I almost fell off my horse. I laughed it off and as soon as the gate opened, we were off. I obeyed Erwin's orders to stay with Flagon's squad to keep the rookies in order but I wasn't too happy. Fear had been present for my whole life, but never like this. I shook it off telling myself that I was scared that friends, new and old when end up dying. Instead I kept my eye on the prize and rode behind  the rookies with Flagon in front. Being from the underground, you become attuned to every movement and sound so naturally I was able to notice titans before others. 

"Flagon! Four titans to the east!" I said loudly, hoping it reached Flagon.

"You and Levi will take them out, Levi acting as backup if needed," said Flagon.

"Understood," I said motioning to Levi. His face emotionless as always, but this time he seemed to have a hint of curiosity. I smiled to myself because showing off was my middle name. I approached the first titan and signaled for Levi to flank. I stood up in the saddle and attached my hook to the titan's shoulder. I soared up and swiftly cut off it's arm, leaving it disheveled. I unhooked and turned my momentum towards the nape. Shooting another hook in, I closed in for the kill. Slicing the nape, I hopped down from it's shoulders and attached another hook to the hip of another titan. Slicing off the leg, I pushed upwards and got the nape of the second titan. I looked around for the other two and saw the third titan on the ground. Levi was standing on its head, looking down at the beast. The last titan saw him and started heading for him. I used this opportunity to get the last nape of titan. I landed softly on top of its head and headed for my horse. Tiny walked on over to his horse as well and we both mounted. He rode on over to me and put his hand on my head.

"Nice work Shorty," he said as he trotted away. I hated when people commented on my height. I'm only 5 feet! That's not that bad! Well maybe it is... but that isn't the point.

"Who are you calling short Tiny?" I said punching him in the shoulder as I rode away. For the next couple of hours we kept riding in Erwin's formation with no major titan encounters. After a while, it started to rain hard and visibility was very low. I could no longer see my squad but I could hear their horses galloping so I knew they were fine. I was trying my best to see when I realized that I could no longer hear one of the horses. I was scared for a moment but then realized that one of them could have been riding up to speak to Flagon. Distracted, I accidentally almost rode my horse into a tree and in an effort not to crash, I swerved to the side, causing my horse to slip and send me flying off. I guess my horse was either had the mind of an ass or it just wasn't trained properly, because it ran off without me in the rain, ignoring my whistles. I sighed and started walking forward, hoping to run into another squad or at least some shelter I could use to wait out the storm and find a way back to the Survey Corps after wards. I cursed, realizing, I had hurt myself on my way down and I had trouble walking. I then heard some shouts to the east of me and a horse galloping frantically to that area. I tried calling out to the rider, but the storm blocked me out. Instead, I just shot a hook in that general direction and took off flying in the sky. However, I didn't go far since we were in such an open area and there wasn't really anything else to hook on to. So instead I just staggered eastward until I found something that would help me distinguish what happened.

Please be alright Isabelle, I thought to myself. I finally approached something as the intensity of the storm subsided a small bit. My stomach sank as I realized what it was. An arm holding a sword with a pool of blood surrounding it. 

"DIE!" I heard someone shout. But it wasn't a shout of terror, but of anger. I forgot the arm and started chasing towards the sound. When I got past the steam and fog I then saw it; a titan corpse on the ground with Levi, cover in blood, standing next to it with his head down. I looked around for Isabelle and Farlan to see...

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