Chapter 16

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"I refuse to accept that!" I shouted at the abnormal as I struggled to my feet. I grasped my blade in my hand and staggered towards the beast. I went for its leg, but instead it grasped me in its hand, leaving me powerless. I struggled and squirmed to try and release myself from its grasp, but to no result. Before the abnormal could even lift me into his mouth, a whirl of green and silver slashed through its neck, causing it to let go of me. Before I hit the ground though, the same soldier who killed the abnormal swung down and caught me. 

"Tch," I heard them say as the hooded figure looked around at the gathering titans. Instead of landing on a house, they simply just sped towards the inner wall rose, arriving at the top of it in no time. The rain had suddenly came down extremely hard now, beating down on the coat of the soldier. They landed on top of the wall and set me down gently, resting my bleeding head on my own Survey Corps cloak. I closed my eyes and blacked out, trying to shut myself out from the horrors that surrounded me. 

Levi POV:

I quickly examined Nanami, taking in the numerous injuries she had acquired fighting that titan. Her breathing was faint and she seemed to be losing more blood with every passing second. I removed my cloak and ripped into strips, using it to bandage her head. Her chest was barely moving up and down, her breaths becoming short and almost nonexistent. I reached down and tilted her head back. I pinched her nose and bent down next to her, my face inches from hers. I quickly took a breath and my mouth found hers as I carried the oxygen that she couldn't hold herself. I broke away to take another breath but then only to give her oxygen. I pulled away, seeing her chest rise more steadily now. I saw a Garrison soldier walk run by on the wall and I called out to them.

"Oi! Get me first aid brat!" I yelled.

"Y-Yes sir!" they stuttered. They quickly brought me a small stash of military grade medical equipment. The soldier saluted and ran off, springing back into battle. I properly bandaged Nanami's head and removed her jacket and 3DM gear. I saw blood soaking quickly into her shirt near her waist right above her belt. I yanked the shirt upwards, revealing the cut. I quickly cleaned it and bandaged it and then started on her right leg. I remover her boot and cut away the part of cloth where the injury was. I patched it up and went to check on her breathing again. She was now steadily breathing, her face showing slight signs of pain. 

"Levi!" said Hanji behind me. "Levi, what happened?!" she asked as she bent down next to me.

"I found her at the central square in the hand of an abnormal," I snapped.

"What of her squad?" she asked.

"Dead to what I could see," I said plainly.

"I'll take care of her. Go find the rest of your squad and head out," she said, putting a hand on Nanami's head.

"Don't even think about it," I said giving Hanji a hard glare. 

"Levi, you need to let somethings fall into the hands of others! You can't go around carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders!" she snapped back at me. I stared at her but we were interrupted by Erwin. "Erwin do something!" Hanji shouted.

"Levi, you need to leave," he said staring me down. I shot up to my feet and walked towards him, ready to fight. As I advanced, Hanji shot up as well and held me back. 

"That's an order Corporal!" Erwin shouted. I didn't care what Erwin said anymore, his orders couldn't stop me. 

"L-Levi..." muttered a now conscious Nanami. We all rushed down to her side as she struggled to speak. "Y-You need to go... Please..." We all sat there for a while as Nanami struggled to keep conscious. 

"Please Levi," said Petra who had appeared with the rest of my squad behind me. I looked back to Nanami who gave me a faint smile before closing her eyes. I stood up and picked up my blades.

"Let's go," I growled. My squad nodded and we all took off towards the center of the city.

The Wings of Freedom (Levi x OC)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя