Chapter 8

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Nanami's POV

A few days later...

I woke up in the infirmary in pain. I turned to the side to see a nurse examining me. 

"How long was I out?" I said trying to sit up in the bed.

"A week and a half Captain. Oh I forgot, two days ago was New Years," she said staring at me. For some reason winter doesn't change the environment too much here in the walls. Even though the weather is perfect around New Years, I hold a grudge against it since that was the day I found out my father was dead.

"I see. Where are the rest of the Survey Corps?" I asked since it seemed relatively quiet in the halls at this time of day.

"They were going to go on an expedition a couple of days ago, but it was delayed until today. They all left this morning," she said as she helped me to my feet. She let go of me and gestured me to try walking to the door. I walked shakily, reaching the door slowly but surely.

"Am I able to leave today?" I asked as the nurse crossed over to me, rolling over a wheelchair.

"Well, you can but it is advisable to use a wheelchair," she said.

"Alright then, I hope to see you soon!" I said, hopping in the wheelchair, hand on my jacket hanging on a coatrack, and wheeling out of the door. I wheeled down to the boats and headed to Shiganshina. Well if they left without saying goodbye, then I'll just wait down there for them. I got off the boat and headed towards the gate. 

"Hey look there!" 

"Is that Captain Akiyama?"

"Why isn't she on the expedition?"

Voices and eyes followed me everywhere I went around town, but that didn't bother me. I wheeled around the shops and streets, waiting for the Survey Corps to arrive. Several hours had passed and soon it was afternoon. 

"When will they ever get back?" I said to myself. 

"You all are cowards!" said a voice to the left of me. I went towards it to see two of the three kids I saw before talking to a blonde Garrison Regiment member. 

"Eren, don't fuss over it," said the Garrison soldier.

"What's going on here?" I butted in.

"Captain Akiyama!" said the little brunette boy. The girl looked slightly surprised but kept it in.

"Sir!" said the soldier saluting.

"Back to work soldier and you two, come with me," I said wheeling off in another direction. I heard their footsteps paddle behind me as I wheeled into an empty street. I stopped and turned around to get a better look at the two kids.

"What are your names?" I asked them raising an eyebrow.

"I'm Eren Yeager!" said the brunette boy excitedly.

"Mikasa Ackerman," said the girl. I smiled to myself. This Mikasa is so much like Levi. Even the way she talks is like him!

"Well even though the members of the Garrison Regiment are very laid back at the moment, you should still respect them. After all, they would give up their lives for you, just like any soldier," I said.

"We understand," said Mikasa.

"So how's it like outside of the walls?!" Eren asked. He seemed to be very interested in the Survey Corps.

"Well, the air is much better and it feels like you are truly free when you are flying through the air," I said. "It's nice to know that we are doing our best for the future of humanity." Eren looked up at me with such a happy look. I smiled and not two seconds had passed before the bell rang, signifying the Survey Corps were back.

"Come on Mikasa let's go!" said Eren pulling on Mikasa's sleeve. We soon arrived at the main street to see a disheveled squad of Survey Corps. I scanned through them nervously to see my entire squad led by Levi still standing. I let my nerves go as I realized that they had all survived and turned my attention to the insults being flung at the Survey Corps. Eren was ecstatic at the sight of the Corps but became enraged by the comments being flung at them. Before he could even mutter a single word, Eren was dragged back by Mikasa, away from the crowd and onto another street. I decided to follow them and meet up with the Corps later but before I could catch up with them, Mikasa and Eren dipped into a house as I turned the corner on the street. I sighed, and wheeled forward towards the boats to get back to base. I then heard angry shouts coming from the house. I turned around to hear their heated conversation.

"Eren I will not allow you to join the scouts!" I heard an angry woman say. I figured that was his mother as I leaned closer. I heard them open the door and startled, I hid in an alley to disguise myself.

"So what?! It's more grown up to hide behind some stupid wall your whole pointless life?!" Eren said as he ran off. The mother whispered something to Mikasa and she took off behind Eren. Their mother sighed and closed the door. I started wheeling down the street behind them as fast as I could. I then heard shouts coming from some street and saw Mikasa and Eren standing next to the blonde kid who seemed to be bruised. 

"What happened?" I asked, wheeling up to them.

"Captain, some kids were beating up our friend Armin here, so we scared them off," said Mikasa as she pulled her scarf closer to her face. I looked down at Armin to see him beaming up at me. I smiled and helped him up. We walked around town, talking about life outside the walls as we stopped at a courtyard. 

"Like I said, the walls can't hold forever," finished Armin as he sat down on the edge of a pond. Mikasa and Eren sat next to him as I wheeled in front of them. Suddenly, a late bolt of lighting came from out of the sky behind the wall and there stood...

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