Chapter 15

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I landed on top of a house next to the courtyard with Julia and Rico. The other three were scouting amongst the other houses, looking for titans or signs of any civilians. 

"Rico, you and Ian can take the back and sides. Julia, you and Shin can take the central area and wings. Yuna and I will take the vanguard," I ordered. They nodded and went to go find their partners. I swung up to the front and landed next to Yuna. Her eyes were closed with her red hair waving in the wind. She suddenly opened her eyes and pointed to the west. 

"Three titans to the west and two to the east," she said. I was surprised at how attuned she was with her senses. Examining the titans that she pointed out, I heard another shout from Shin.

"Lieutenant! Four titans coming in from northeast!" he shouted. 

"What shall we do Lieutenant?" Yuna asked. 

"Wait until the titans are near, then attack! We need to preserve as much gas as possible!" I called out to the rest of my squad. They nodded and focused on the titans approaching. I signaled for them to attack as the titans became in close vicinity and they went out to attack. I targeted two ten meters and headed towards them. I sliced the nape of one and went for the leg of the other. I sliced the leg, making the titan fall face first onto a building, making its neck vulnerable. I quickly finished the job and looked out amongst the buildings and houses for my squad. Shin and Julia were quickly finishing up one titan while Ian and Rico were standing on the roof of a house, with Rico cleaning her glasses. Yuna was standing on the roof of a house, looking out towards the wall and broken down gate. I landed next to her and I too looked out at the broken down gate. "It's sad isn't it?" I asked her.

"Hm?" she said, looking at me.

"Humanity trying its very best to survive enclosed within the walls and a titan can simply kick down our hopes of survival and our only shield against extinction," I said.

"I guess so," Yuna said, looking down at the roof of the house we stood on. We stood like this for a while, watching the clouds slowly draw in, turning the sky grey. I turned around to see Rico and Ian standing watch while Julia and Shin sitting on the roof of a house laughing with each other. I smiled as I watched them make the best out of their situation. 

"Rico! Ian! I want you two to go rendezvous with squad 32 in the east rear, I fear something may have happened to them!" I called out to them. They nodded and together they flew through the sky towards squad 32. I looked up at the sky which was now completely covered with clouds, and it seemed like a storm would soon approach. Suddenly, an abnormal titan furiously sprinted towards us. Yuna and I quickly shot some hooks into another building, getting out of the range of the abnormal. We watched as the abnormal flung itself onto a house, crushing one of Julia's legs in the process as Shin was flung back onto another house.

"Julia!" Shin shouted. Julia reacted quickly and shot some hooks behind the titan to get away from it. However, the titan saw Julia and tugged on her cable, sending her crashing to the ground. Shin rushed towards Julia, who was no longer moving. I ran to go get help, but instead Yuna tackled me down onto the other side of the roof, causing us to fall off from the roof. I looked up and saw the abnormal's hand smashed down on the roof we were previously standing on. Yuna and I struggled to our feet, staggering towards Shin and Julia. But we were too late as the abnormal was holding a limp Julia in its hand. Shin appeared to be in a pool of blood on the ground and missing an arm, reaching out to the abnormal with an empty shell of Julia hanging over its hand. Not a split second passed before Julia was in the jaws of the abnormal and then swallowed. I ran over towards Shin and the abnormal but the abnormal simply swatted me away and I crashed into a building. I felt the blood dripping from my head as my vision started to get blurry. 

"N-No..." I stammered, using my blades to help me stand. "I'm not giving up... Not yet..." I said as I struggled to my feet. I could hear the abnormal over me as I struggled like a weak child. As the titan closed in on me, my arms gave out and I crashed onto the floor. I closed my eyes, excepting my fate but instead of being crushed by the abnormal, I could hear the titan running away from me. I opened my eyes to see Yuna slicing the titan with utmost efficiency, cutting through its legs and arms in seconds, similar to how Levi cut down that titan on that day. However, Yuna wasn't fast enough as the abnormal pulled on her cable and she came crashing to the ground. The abnormal picked up her bloody and battered body and quickly swallowed her.

Isabelle... Farlan... Why are they coming back to me now?

Watching Julia and Shin and Yuna die right in front of me...

I had the power to do something, but I didn't have the strength to do it!

Now they have met the same fate as Isabelle and Farlan...

But wait, Levi didn't die on that expedition...

No... Does that mean...

I refuse... Levi is not dead... 

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