Author's Note

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Well we got to 300 views.

Technically 367, but 300 none the less.


ANYWAY - we have other business to attend to. I have written 5 chapters of my Free! Iwatobi Swim Club story and well... I absolutely hate it.

I think my characters are bad, the plot is paper thin, I have no story structure for it...

So I have a solution:

- If you guys really want it, I don't really think anyone does, leave a comment and I might end up posting it.

- Since you guys deserve a reward for supporting me and getting to over 300 views, I'm thinking about releasing my original story very very soon. Key word, THINKING.

Problem solved? Eh, Kinda.

Well, see ya!

The Wings of Freedom (Levi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now