Chapter 13

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I turned around to see a young woman with long black hair and a red scarf.

"Mikasa?" I asked. She nodded and smirked. "My goodness you've grown."

"What are you doing here lieutenant?" she asked.

"I'm here to train the 104th cadet corp," I said.

"I look forward to training under you," she said, saluting. 

"Drop the formalities Mikasa. So, are you here on your own?" I asked. Mikasa dropped her salute with her eyes gleaming.

"No, I came here with Eren and Armin," she said.

"Are you guys going to enlist in the Survey Corps?" I asked.

"Eren probably is, and wherever he goes, I go. I'm not sure about Armin though," she said.

"Well I'm sure you will be a great asset to the Survey Corps," I said. 

"Mikasa! Where are you?" said a worried voice. We turned around to see Armin and Eren looking around. They caught sight of us and ran over. "Mikasa, where were you? We looked all over the place," said an out of breath Armin.

"She was talking with me," I said with a hand on my hip. "How's it going?"

"Lieutenant Akiyama!" said a wide eyed Eren. I smiled and looked up at all of them. Gosh, there's no way they're all taller than me! I thought. They seemed to notice our difference in height and we all laughed it off together. We walked on over to a building and talked for the rest of the time before the start of training. It seemed like such a short tim before the large bell rang, signifying all the cadets to go line up at attention, waiting for orders.

"I'll be seeing you!" I called after them as they walked away. I used the window sill as leverage as I hopped up onto the roof of the building. I looked out at the cadets desperately trying to line up in order.


"Potato girl, you will be running laps until you drop and you will be losing meal privileges. Everyone is dismissed for the rest of the day! I expect all of you to be here at sunrise tomorrow morning!" Keith shouted. I looked over at the sky to see that the sun was already sinking into the sky. Wow, I guess Keith went through a lot of cadets in that time, I thought to myself. I watched as he walked away and the cadets standing dumbfounded in their lines with the potato girl named Sasha wailing on the floor. I smiled to myself, thinking of a moment when a girl similar to potato girl was given the same punishment on the first day. I hopped down from the roof and stood in front of the cadets. 

"Get started on those laps cadet!" I said to Potato Girl. "The rest of you, go change and off to the mess hall. Whoever wants out of the military program shall return their uniforms and inform the registration superior." I looked among the cadets who either were terrified, emotionless, or confused. I sighed and gestured for them to leave. Mikasa, Armin, and Eren walked over to me.

"Why did you allow those cowards to leave?!" Eren said.

"Slow down there. It's their choice to leave if they wish to," I said calmly.

"But why?! Didn't they want to protect humanity?!" he growled.

"Maybe, but perhaps the actual thought of losing their lives to the titans became more prominent after actually being here in training," I said. "Eren, fighting titans is different than what you make it out to be. People don't want to be losing their lives to these mindless creatures in such a horrific way. Trust me, even with two swords in your hand, that doesn't make the titans any less terrifying." I turned around and started to walk towards the instructor's building. I heard Eren start, but I presumed Mikasa and Armin stopped him. "I'll be seeing you kids tomorrow!" I said as I waved to them. I entered the building and walked down the hall to Keith's office. I opened the door and saluted.

"Lieutenant," he said, not looking up from his papers.

"Commander," I said lowering my salute.

"I'm thinking about having you teach the cadets tomorrow's lesson. I think your stature combined with how tough you actually are would be good for them," he said plainly.

"I would be honored sir," I said.

"Then it's decided. I'll see you tomorrow, Lieutenant," he said.

"Thank you, Commander," I said closing the door behind me. I stalked off to my room and flopped on the bed. I sighed, missing Petra and Hanji barging into my room occasionally. I kicked off my boots and jacket and fell curled up into a ball.

"Words are born into air

And quickly fade out in the wind
But they find their way inside you
Where they live on forevermore...

When skies are dark and full of rain
Look inside your heart
The light, so warm will and all aglow
Shining just like the sun.

You can see, just how much you've grown
How strong you are..
A love will open up to you
And it starts from the day that you,
first heard those words."
I sang softly to myself. I lay on top of the sheets as I watched the sun slowly set. I closed my eyes and fell into a dreamless sleep.

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