Chapter 29

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"Souer?" I whispered out. All I could see was a bright room, with Soeur curled up into a ball in a corner. I sat down next to her, just to get a look of her face. 

"You know, I always wanted a sister," she said out of the blue. "Frere was nice, but he wasn't someone that I could complain to about girl problems."

"Funny, the only sister that you had you tried to kill," I chuckled. 

"Well, anybody but you as my sister," she scoffed. "I made it my life's ambition to erase the legacy that dad made."

"Yeah. I loved him, but after what happened, I don't know what to think of him anymore," I sighed. 

"Frere and I were born with nothing. We were told that we were nothing, we had nothing, and we had no where to go. And it was all his fault," she whimpered. "So when I was given the opportunity to get a better life for the both of us, I jumped at it."

"I understand. I grew up that way too," I put a hand on her shoulder.

"No. You don't understand," she turned away. "Your family loved you, my family tossed me aside like a ball of paper. I thought that erasing what made me suffer would stop the suffering, but it didn't. I killed dad, I killed mom, I killed your mom, and I thought that killing you would solve everything."

"Wait, you killed dad?" 

"I'm a titan shifter, remember? And a master con artist," she smirked to herself. "It wasn't difficult to get out of the walls and kill him."

"I see," I nodded. 

"When I killed them, I still suffered. I thought that the only solution was to kill you next. You were the one taking everything away from me," she growled. "So I poured my entire life's ambition into ending your life."

"And you succeeded," I replied. 

"No. I failed. Even now that you're gone, I'm still suffering. What did I do wrong? Why won't it stop?" her voice was raising to a shout. "I fulfilled my life's ambition! I got a better life for me and Frere! I finally got revenge!"

"But what if that wasn't your life's ambition?"

"What the hell are you talking about..." she growled lowly. 

"From what I can tell, we're actually quite similar," I put my hand on my chin. 

"No shit. We're related, dumbass," she scoffed. 

"When everything was taken away from me, I wanted nothing more than revenge," I closed my eyes. "But what I realized that all I really needed was the feeling of love again. To pour so much affection into someone else it makes you so happy."

"I call bull," she muttered. 

"Call it what you want, but that's what I see in you," I grinned. "You wanted to get rid of your suffering for what? To be happy again. Since you never experienced the sensation of love in your childhood to adulthood, you didn't know what you needed. So you got confused and angry and sought out revenge instead."

"Sure. Whatever. It's not like I change anything now," she scoffed. 

"You don't need to change anything, just to accept the fact that that's what it is. Just come to terms with it," I advised. 

"You know, I take that back about not wanting you as a sister," she cracked the tiniest smile. "You're actually pretty fun to talk to. Except that you sometimes can sound too cheesy. Like a dumb romantic comedy story."

"Hey, I'm a soldier so I have to give words of morale to my comrades!" I defended myself. 

"Eh, whatever you say," she shrugged. If it was even possible, the room got even brighter. Souer was now....

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