Chapter 25

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We crept around the corner and found our way into a small, open room. Plastered on the walls were simple drawings people's faces, some with red x's through them, some without. I quietly closed the door as Mikasa examined the room. She pulled a face down and gasped. I rushed over to look at the paper and it was Nanami's face. Unlike the rest of the drawings, that either had an x or no x, hers had a simple slash through it, half of an x. I examined the paper and looked for any clues of her whereabouts. "Target Captured: Work of Frere and Soeur Akiyama. Target taken into captivity located in priso--" It read. The most important clue, her whereabouts, was smudged with what seemed to be water, or blood. 

"Frere... and Soeur," began Mikasa. 

"Do you know them?" I muttered. 

"No, but their names mean something," she continued. "Frere means brother. And Soeur means sister. Their last names, they have the same surname as the Lieutenant. The three of them are related."

"That's impossible. She was all alone here in the underground," I shot Mikasa's observation down immediately. But something else came to mind.

"No matter how hard those mattresses are, they don't compare to how bad they were in the underground." 

"No kidding. I didn't really have a bed after my mom died though." 

"Lived in the streets?" 


Her mom had died, and if Nanami's related to this 'Frere' and 'Soeur'... and they were her captors... and they belong to the most feared crime organization in the underground... No...

"Mikasa! Look for anything on these people!" I whisper shouted at her. She nodded and we both searched the room high and low for any information. 

"Sir, I found something," she called as she bent over a piece of paper. It read: Frere and Soeur Akiyama, Twins of Hiroaki Akiyama, Step-siblings of Hiroaki Akiyama and Yuna Akiyama's daughter, Nanami Akiyama. Achievements: Highest ranking dual assassins in the underground. Murders committed by the pair: A list of names were listed and I scanned it for anyone important. There was a name I recognized. Yuna Akiyama. She was Nanami's mother. 

"They're Nanami's step-twins. And they're finishing their job that they failed to complete a long time ago."

"What do you mean, sir?"

"They murdered her mother, and I suspect that they most likely attempted to murder her too at the same time. Nanami's the last trace of their family line, they want to eradicate her."

Nanami's POV: 

I awoke in another cell. Fun. My feet were chained, and I knew that there certainly was no escaping now; this was my end. 

"Is this the end of me?" I asked no one but myself. 

"Why yes," sneered a voice. Frere. "Look around you. All these other cells are empty. But they are filled with one thing; blood. You're lucky that Master is out on business right now. You have another twelve hours to live. Have fun." Frere walked away and I hugged my knees close to my chest. 

"Why would you do this to me, father?" I sobbed into my knees bit my lip to keep from wailing. I eventually left my knees go, and I sat sprawled against the wall. I looked down at my old brown hair drawn in its normal ponytail that was matted with blood and smiled; it was a good life. At least I didn't go at the jaws of a titan. In fact, I was pretty close to dying a couple of times. But Levi was always there for me. Levi. Levi. "Levi!" I shouted. I struggled against the chains restricting me. Tears and blood streamed down my face from the various cuts. I continued to shout and scream, hoping that he was here. He's always been there for me. Memories flashed through my mind as I struggled against my restraints. I pushed off of the wall with my hands, and the smallest crack was heard. I kicked and punched the wall, and thankfully because of the weak construction in the underground, the chains broke off from the wall. The chains dragged on the floor behind my feet as I reached the bars. These bars were meant to keep in animals, or big burly targets, but I was small and skinny, so I slipped right through. I don't care if they're blood or not, they're going to die.

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