Chapter 19

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I awoke at the sun pouring down onto my face. I opened my eyes and saw that there was no Levi next to me in the bed. I heard the shower in the bathroom so I quickly got out of bed and changed while Levi was showering. As I was pulling on my boots, Levi stalked out of the bathroom, already in his uniform with his hair wet. I sat him down on the bed and grabbed a towel.

"Have you ever attempted to dry your hair properly?" I asked as I began to dry his hair.

"Tch. Shut up," He muttered as I finished drying his hair. I put the towel back and we walked down to the meeting hall to meet Erwin. 

"Morning," he said as we opened the door to the meeting hall.

"Morning commander," I replied as Levi shut the door behind us. 

"We scheduled a trial today at noon. You two can gather Arlert, Ackerman, and Brzenska as witnesses. Return here when you are finished," he said not looking up from his paper work. We nodded and left the room. 

"Hey Levi, are you related to Mikasa somehow?" I asked. 

"No clue. I have no idea how she got that surname," he said. We rallied the three of them and brought them to the courthouse. We then returned to Erwin and walked down to the courtroom and took our positions, ready for Hanji and the military police to bring in Eren to start the trial. The military police suddenly barged through the door with a chained and confused Eren. They brought in a pole to chain and restrain him to the ground on his knees. I watched as Eren looked around in a confused manner at the people surrounding him. We made eye contact and I smiled and gestured with my head towards the judge, Darius Zackly. Eren caught on set his eyes on Zackly.

"Alright, shall we begin?" Zackly asked as he looked down at Eren. "Your name is Eren Yaeger, and as a soldier you have sworn to give up your life if called to for the good of the people. Is that correct?"

"Yes.." said Eren nervously.

"As an enlisted soldier during a time of war, military doctrine demands your trial will be held as a court marshal. As commander of our armed forces, this matter is left to my discretion. Thus, I will decide whether you live or you die," finished Zackly. "Any objections?"

"No sir," said Eren with fear in his eyes.

"Your astuteness is appreciated," said Zackly. "Let us proceed. As expected, the covering of your existence is quite fruitless, and unless we publicly disclose your existence one way or another, we risk the outbreak of widespread civil unrest. A choice must be made and the regiment that takes custody of you will decide your fate. The military police or the scout regiment. To begin, the military police will now present their case."

"Thank you. My name is Nile Dock, and I am commander of the military police. Our recommendation following a thorough examination of his physiology, subject Eren Yeager should be disposed of immediately," said Dock. "We acknowledge that Yeager's ability played a part in holding back the latest titan incursion, however, as has been stated his mere existence is creating a swell of rebellious sentiment. For the greater good, after we gather all of the information that we can from him, we would see him as a fallen warrior of humanity."

"Unacceptable!" said a furious priest of the Wall Religion. And so the trial continued on. The different regiments arguing over Eren's fate, and the Wall Religion priests just continuing on about God. However, when Zackly gave Eren the change to speak, he went insane.

"Just shut up and put all your faith in me!" Eren shouted as he finished his speech. We all stood there in shock at what Eren had just said. However, before anyone could object, Levi jumped in and kicked Eren across the face, knocking out a tooth. Levi continued to batter and beat a defenseless Eren. We just watched in shock as Levi kicked the poor life out of Eren. I put my hands on the railing, ready to jump over, but Erwin put a hand on my shoulder, trying to hold me back. I watched as Levi kicked Eren again with his foot on Eren's head.

"You know personally, I think nothing instills discipline like pain. You don't need a good talking to, what you're in need of boy is to be taught a lesson. And you happen to be in perfect kicking position," I vaulted over the railing and out of Erwin's grasp. I quickly grabbed Levi and pulled him backwards. I stepped in between them and gave them both a hard glare. 

"Reports say that Eren as a titan was able to take down twenty titans by himself. However, both Corporal Levi and I can take him down no problem. What threat is a killer if the killer no longer has a head?" I said loud and proud to the courtroom. "Sir, I suggest that Eren Yeager will be placed under Corporal Levi's squad, and that he will accompany us on an expedition outside of the walls. If he can successfully use his ability, he can prove an asset to humanity. If not, I will cut him down myself."

"I see. Then I have made my choice," said Zackly as he stood up in his chair. "I hereby give the scout regiment full custody of Eren Yeager. Keep your word Akiyama." He then dismissed the rest of us and left. I took out the pole that Eren was chained to and set it on the railing. Hanji and Mike raced down the stairs and escorted Eren out. Levi, Erwin, and I left behind them and we went back to headquarters. We headed into the meeting hall to patch Eren up and discuss.

"Well that went better than I expected. Does it hurt?" I said as I tended to Eren's wounds.

"Yeah..." Eren muttered.

"Sorry for all that. But the theatrics did get you placed in our custody," said Erwin as he walked in front of Eren.

"No, I can understand," said Eren as he held the cloth to his face.

"I can assure you the pain was worth it. We played our trump card at the perfect time," said Erwin as he kneeled down and put his hand out to Eren. "You have my utmost respect. Eren, I'm glad that you're on our team."

"Me too. Glad to be here sir!" said Eren as he nervously shook Erwin's hand. Erwin smiled as Levi began to walk towards all of us. He sat down next to Eren and crossed his legs.

"So, Eren," he said as he put his arms on the back of the sofa.

"Sir?" asked a terrified Eren.

"You don't resent me now do you?" asked Levi.

"No, I can see now what you did was necessary," said Eren as he crossed his arms.

"Still don't you think you went a little too far?" I asked Levi in a concerned tone. "For all I know, you could have broken his jaw if I hadn't stepped in!"

"Tch," dismissed Levi. 

"Don't dismiss me! You knocked his tooth out!" I said angrily.

"Speaking of which, Eren, can I look inside your mouth?" said Hanji as she kneeled down. Eren opened his mouth which Hanji looked inside with wide eyes. "Your tooth..." she began. "It grew back."

The Wings of Freedom (Levi x OC)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن