~Fifty-Six: Wait~

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A/N: Couldn't put a pic with this chapter because I'm camping and have EXTREMELY BAD internet, and it was killing me not to put a chapter up for you guys. It's kinda crappy, but I can edit it later if needed :) Enjoy!

It all began with a phone call.

The vibration in Thor's pocket notified him of that, and he immediately answered the call without bothering to look at the name.


"You need to hide James, now. Tony is headed towards the lab, we were unable to stop him."

"Brother, are you alright?"

"Yes, Peter and I are both fine."

A small, quiet voice could be heard from Loki's end of the phone that sounded very much pained. "No, we're not!"

"Peter?" Thor asked, concern in his voice.

"O-okay, Peter is slightly wounded, but everything is fine, I'll get him and myself to safety. Just, please, get James away from there."

With that, the phone call came to an abrupt end. Thor stared at it in shock for a moment before shoving the phone back in his pocket, and seizing Bucky by his shoulders.

"We have to go, now," he said urgently, dragging Bucky to the exit of the lab.

"What, why?"

"Tony is on his way. My brother and Peter were unable to stop him. We have to get you to safety."

With the conclusion of that statement, Bucky writhed out of the God's grasp, angrily shaking him off. Thor turned back around, somewhat confused.

"There is no 'safety.' I've been hiding this secret from him for almost thirty years. I'm done hiding, I'm done cowering... my hands pulled the trigger that night. Now, I have to face that."

The God's face fell, and he knew with the determination in Bucky's voice that there was no changing his mind. Thor let out a sigh before clapping a hand on the man's shoulder, giving him a soft smile.

"Not alone, you don't."

{ * * * * * }

Steve let out a yell of pain as Stephen attempted to pull the spike impaled in his leg from the ground. It wouldn't budge at all, and what was worse is the three of them began to hear pounding footsteps coming from a nearby hallway.

"We must get him out, now!" T'Challa cried, frantically looking from the doctor to the direction of the footsteps.

"I can't get the spike out of the ground!" The doctor yelled in return, becoming frantic himself. Each movement of the spike, or his leg, caused Steve unimaginable pain, and a loud cry from the man notified them of that.

"They are coming, and when they arrive, they will in no doubt shoot," T'Challa said, his voice overflowing with worry. The king's calm demeanor was crashing to the ground.

"I, um... Oh, God, agh!"

"Don't freeze now!" yelled the king. His heart rate drastically increased when he heard the footsteps growing intently closer. The soldiers would arrive within seconds.

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