~Twenty-Nine: Real~

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HYDRA agents were piling out from the facility, forming orchestrated lines in front of it like they were soldiers. Their weapons were raised, and pointed directly at the Avengers, who had not yet fired due to the fact of not wanting to reveal themselves. But, little to their knowledge, sensors surrounding the facility had alerted the agents of their presence already.

"The Avengers. The Earth's mightiest heroes. We know you're here," said Commander Maddox, who was the lead commander of HYDRA.

Steve and Bucky shared uneasy glances from their hidden positions, as did most of the Avengers.

"Now, I know you must be carrying very heavy weapons with you, and I'm going to need you to drop them right now, and reveal yourselves."

"And why in the hell would we do that?" asked Tony, still keeping himself hidden.

"Because, in my right hand, I am holding a device that could end the life of everyone in that building. And, I'll remind you. The only people in that building are, as I count... The Doctor, the God of Mischief himself, and... oh, yes... precious little Lizzie."

Bucky's eyes widened at his daughter's name, and his heart hammered violently against his chest. Steve and Tony shared a glance, and Steve gave a nod. Tony gave a sigh before hovering up from his position, holding his hands in the air.

"Avengers, do as he says," he said into the comm unit.

Within a minute, all of the Avengers had emerged from their hiding positions, hands raised in a surrender. Commander Maddox let out a laugh, and looked around at the Avengers in various locations.

"Well, well," he said when his eyes landed on Bucky. "The Winter Soldier. Our first weapon. You know, your daughter owns up to the standards you've set. She may even make a better weapon than you."

Bucky stayed silent, nostrils flaring with rage and forehead creased with worry.

The Commander chuckled, knowing he had hit a soft spot.

"Now, I'm sure you're wondering what this is," he said, holding up his right hand. In it held a small, rectangular device with a red, blinking button in the very center. "Well, to put it simply, if I hit this button, the facility will explode, and everyone inside will be dead upon impact. We're far enough away to survive, as are you, but your comrades inside..." The Commander clicked his tongue. "Won't be as fortunate. We have guards stationed at every possible exit, so there is no way that they could escape. Even our dear little Phantom can't escape this time."

"And what if she just kills your guards?" Tony asked, maintaining a tough exterior, but on the inside, his heart was racing with panic.

"I have heart monitors on all my guards. If their heart rate stops at any moment, I'll be notified, and, in that case-..." he held up his hand with the device in it. "Boom."

Bucky slight flinched at the word, and felt his eyes begin to cloud over.

"What do you want from us?" asked Tony, settling himself on the ground next to Steve.

"We want you to walk away. We want all but one of you to walk away."

Bucky went rigid, as he knew that HYDRA wanted him to return. His mouth became dry, and he found it almost impossible to breath properly.

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