~Twenty-Seven: The Phantom~

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*Ten Months Later*

The Phantom raised her concealed hands, preparing her fighting stance. The hooded cloak over her head shielded her face from view, her eyes being the only exposed portion of her face, as a metal mask covered her mouth.

She could see her opponent standing opposite her, hands raised and ready to fight. There were high stakes to this battle, and both the contenders knew it. The winner would be finished with training, and would be recognized as HYDRA's main weapon, while the loser would be greatly punished.

Both of the fighters were immensely trained, and had been enduring the horrid training for almost a year. The Phantom was new to the world of magical abilities, but within six months she had mastered her unique powers. The Doctor, however, had known his powers for years prior to HYDRA's training.

The Doctor was clad in a dark cloak around his back, and also wore a mask over his mouth, preventing him from speaking. As with The Phantom, he also bore a hood over his head, concealing his face. If they were to perform missions for HYDRA, they couldn't risk being seen or identified by anyone.

The sound of a bell ringing echoed throughout the room, followed by a voice with a thick accent yelling "begin!"

As soon as the fight had officially begun, The Phantom made herself invisible. The Doctor looked around frantically for any sign of movement, bringing two, orange shields to life upon his hands.

The Phantom dashed behind The Doctor, and quickly brought a force forward and pushed it towards him, sending him flying to the ground.

His cloak, though, caught him in mid-air, and he levitated up above the arena. The Phantom was nowhere to be seen, but he could still sense her physical presence.

"Phantom, make this a fair fight. Reveal yourself," called one of the HYDRA agents.

The Phantom did as she was told, and made herself visible to the world once again. She was positioned directly behind The Doctor, also floating in the air, and she sent a wave of magic towards him, forcing him towards the ground.

He fought back, sending flashes of orange light towards her, but she was quickly gaining the upper hand. The Doctor's back collided with the ground, and The Phantom quickly inched closer to him, her strength increasing.

The Doctor swished his hand to the side, and sent a wave of sparkling magic to the girl's left, smashing into her and forcing her off him. She hit the floor of the arena with a thud, and The Doctor quickly took advantage of her short moment of disorientation.

He bound her wrists and ankles to the floor with two, sparkling ropes. He looked over her with his two shields in hand as she writhed against the restraints. He brought the shields closer as he floated down to the ground, holding them just above The Phantom's face.

Then, he unexpectedly stopped. He was frozen in place, looking into The Phantom's dark, hollow eyes. His shields disappeared as a flash of recognition crossed him.

He released The Phantom's restraints, backing away from her uneasily. He looked around the room, and found it unfamiliar to him. He removed the hood from his head, unveiling not the dark eyes of The Doctor, but the glimmering ones of a frightened man.

The Phantom showed no hesitation in springing up from the ground and sending a force towards The Doctor, slamming him into the ground.

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